24 Proofs That Life Is Just One Big Sham

Our eyes can deceive us. It all boils down to what we perceive when we look at something.

And the world around us constantly tricks us into seeing something other than what's really there, too. Add to that the fact we tend to believe popular assumptions and it's no wonder that our lives have turned out to be one big sham.

Case in point: everything you're about to read.

1. Everything you know about fruit is wrong!  

imgur | ImNoDoctor

Most people know that tomatoes are fruit, but did you know that raspberries and strawberries aren't even berries?! The lesson here is that "knowledge is realizing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not trying to make a fruit salad with one."

2. You've been wasting your time chasing the end of the rainbow. 

Imgur | Imgur

Turns out those mischievous leprechauns have been lying all along! There is no pot of gold. Just a public splash pad, lots of screaming children, and probably foot fungus.

3. The grass really was greener on the other side, but not for the reason you thought.

Twitter | @sheepmeshmee

Maybe it's just me, but I kinda think this is a cool idea. As long as it's a specially formulated paint, and safe for the environment, this saves so much water!

4. Guys. We've been pooping wrong our entire lives! 

imgur | Devan24x7

Turns out the porcelain throne makes it harder to poop because of the way we have to sit on them. Talk about a crappy design. Natural squatting for the win!

5. The "no tears" shampoo you used as a kid is really just an  example of why you should've paid more attention in english class. 

Tumblr | un-likelyplaces

I always thought this stuff was supposed to keep your eyes from burning. Turns out, I just forgot about homonyms. Bamboozled again!

6. Turns out Jared was actually giving us a riddle when he used subway to drop inches.  

Reddit | Bromog

That delicious five dollar footlong you look forward to on your lunch break is actually only 11 inches long! I want my 42 cents back!

7. This is why we're obsessed with pockets!

Tumblr | lindsayetumbls

It's so rare for women's clothes to have functioning pockets, that we get really excited when we find them. Also, this makes me slightly ragey.

8. The perfection of the towel wall at Bed Bath & Beyond is just smoke and mirrors...and foam.

Iimgur | Iimgur

Finding out about this little cheat kind of crushed me. I loved the idea that someone had the diligence to fold each towel and line them up perfectly. *sigh*

9. The Teletubbies was never just about rainbow creatures dancing in the sunshine! 

Imgur | Imgur

Sure, most TV shows draw inspiration from older sources, but there's something disturbing about a pre-school show with this many similarities to Tolkien's dark tale. I always knew there was something "off" about that sun baby.

10. Even those quaint cobblestone roads are mass-produced.

Reddit | thesurfingwalrus

I'm sure there was a time when brick pathways and roads were actually hand laid, but not anymore. Technology has even replaced the art of brick laying.

11. You buy a bulk sized beauty product, only to discover a big fat hole in their claim.

Reddit | RaginRandom

I'd be tempted to dump and measure the whole bottle, just to make sure I was actually getting the advertised quantity. No one messes with my hard earned cash!

12. Bobby pins actually go the other way?!

Reddit | Nylese

Turns out the bumpy part goes down because it grabs your hair better, so it won't slip out. I feel like this is going to seriously improve my hair game and decrease the amount of bobby pins I lose.

13. How did I not know this?!

imgur | Dumperinoslumperkino

This is such a small, everyday thing that I would've never thought about. And now... my mind is exploding. Also, I guarantee you're snapping your fingers now.

14. Bear Grylls isn't nearly as badass as you thought. 

Imgur | emmyfanton

I'm sure he can still one-up the average person when it comes to braving the great outdoors, but there's something about seeing him mow down off-camera that leaves me feeling deceived.

15. You thought you were being cute, when really you've just been low-key insulting your partner this whole time. 

Urban Dictionary | Urban Dictionary

I'm definitely going to fact check this with a Danish/English dictionary, just to be sure...and, yep. It checks out. "Love you, poop!"

16. Okay, but if you're not supposed to use the popcorn button, then what is it for?

Imgur | Imgur

How can you believe anything in the world if even a popcorn button doesn't work with popcorn?!

17. It's trying so hard to be American, and yet, it can't hide it's true colors. 

Reddit | Based_Tyler

Which don't happen to be red, white, and blue. Grabbing a can of Canada doesn't have the same ring to it though, I'll admit.

18. But why is it that I always thought pineapples grew on trees?

Wikipedia | Ajay Suresh

Who started this myth in my head that is clearly false? It's just strange. Not that I casually see these out and about in my area, but still.

19. Thinking you have fancy AF floors only to find that the very ground you stand on is a lie.

Reddit | MrCongro

Not so fancy now, are you? Entirely practical and money savvy, but not fancy.

20. I always wondered how cereal never looked soggy in photos and well, now I know

Imgur | hasgar22

Not even our sacred breakfasts are safe from the lies that will rock your world.

21. Why did we all believe this? Why was this lie spread far and wide across the world?

Twitter | @joanna_leese

At least you don't have to chase rainbows anymore to find out yourself.

22. I didn't even grow up playing video games and I am still shook.

Twitter | @ohseepdip

On top of that, I don't even use the word shook, and yet, it really does fit here.

23. Honestly, I think this one is a betrayal we saw coming because we all know pancakes soak up syrup way too fast.

Imgur | hasgar22

And that is why the food photographers have to take drastic measures.

24. We should be taking longer baths — not getting out so our fingers don't prune.

Imgur | amorash

Apparently, tests have actually confirmed that wrinkly fingers help us hold stuff underwater. I knew I was meant to be a mermaid!