Reddit | drowsey57, prince147

10+ Things Cleverly Hiding In Plain Sight

You have to admire it when life comes up with an interesting, non-awful surprise for you. It's so refreshing to see something, well, fresh, that's not also a punch to the gut.

And it turns out you might not have to look as far as you'd think. There's interesting stuff all around us! We just have to take the time to stop and notice.

Walking down the street, you could easily miss the world map chipped into this pole.

Reddit | LolcatXTREME

Out of the corner of your eye, it's just another rusty spot.

Unless you look more closely, you wouldn't even realize how much work someone had gone to, even lining up the seam on the pole to a pretty good approximation of the Prime Meridian.

On the other hand, you've probably looked at an eight of diamonds a thousand times without seeing the '8' hidden in the middle.

Reddit | g0dzilllla

Maybe unfocus your eyes a bit and you'll see that the negative space between the diamonds creates the unmistakable shape of a figure 8.

Turns out the bathroom was the perfect place to hang this painting.

Reddit | scsilly

In any other room, it probably wouldn't be next to a mirror, and you'd only ever see the Pegasus picture and never get to see the hidden unicorn picture that shows up in the reflection.

This blue raincoat only gives up its secrets when it gets wet.

Reddit | trashyfictions

See, it's not just a blue raincoat — the fabric also contains a floral pattern that comes out in the rain. Pretty cool effect, and a surefire way for April showers to bring out some flowers!

This rug straight-up has a picture of Homer Simpson embedded in it.

Reddit | LeontiosTheron

It's not the easiest thing to see, and even the owners had it for "2-3 months" before finding Homer's face. But once you see it, you would never be able to un-see Homer there.

At least, I know I wouldn't.

This rug's pattern is a bit more sinister.

Reddit | Sneegles

Any IT fans out there? Because there's something distinctly Pennywise about this pattern, isn't there?

They all float down there...

You could be forgiven for assuming that this is just a bumpy wall, but there's a tiny figure stuck there, buried underneath several coats of paint.

Reddit | kart22

Honestly, a nice little perch for traffic to pass by largely unaware that it's even there.

I don't know how this lighting ended up so perfectly erasing one of this ceiling fan's blades, but it sure was effective.

Reddit | cttaft

If you couldn't see the shadow, you'd think the fan was missing a blade. That's some serious stealth mode going on.

Believe it or not, this isn't a tree.

Reddit | drowsey57

Cell phone towers would be a blight on the landscape if not for some beautification like this. It's actually pretty well done camo — from a distance, you would never know this isn't a tree. In fact, even from this angle, if it wasn't surrounded by electrical infrastructure, you might not guess at first glance.

I doubt this has anything to do with politics or the electoral process, but this snake's scales spell out "Obama."

Reddit | FingerJacket

I don't think it's an endorsement, and it's not like anybody can vote for him anymore regardless. Just a cool coincidence.

Funny how nature occasionally has a sense of humor, right?

Reddit | prince147

Or at least a sense of whimsy, I guess — this little turtle has a smiley face hidden on its belly. You can just make it out on the right, on the third segment from the top.

You might not always want to read all the ingredients in something, but sometimes it pays off.

Reddit | TimeshareGulags

Especially if you happen to be Harold in Accounting, in this case. Seems like some important info to have!

Down on the ground, you would have no idea this was here.

reddit | HailArtGoddess

Right below your feet, this perfect Mickey Mouse figure would be impossible to notice. But from an aerial view, it looks like the most magical place on Earth.

You might as well just settle in for this one.

reddit | Microsoft_Office2016

Okay, this is actually pretty tough. It could take awhile, so the spoiler is below—

Answer: the phone is beside the right table leg.

When you see it, you won't take your eyes off it.

reddit | tempercure

It's so cute. It's being so good.

There will be no spoilers for this one. When it hits you, you'll know.

A very Harry Potter feel to this one.

reddit | [deleted]

Everybody loves a secret entrance, so you can only imagine how famous this pub is with a "Coke Machine" for a front door.

These tiny stairs meant for ducks is the sweetest thing I've seen all day.

reddit | java-the-hut

Who doesn't want to waddle through life alongside some adorable, incredibly annoying ducks?!

The golf balls at this mini golf place on this local pier are biodegradable and fall into the sea at the 18th hole!

reddit | gostoney

Awkward first dates just got a whole lot more environmentally friendly.

My kitchen rag is quaking.

reddit | Alentheflannel

This spatula with a built in rest on the handle is what clean freak's kitchen dreams are made of.

Anyone with fur babies is very familiar with the first stuffy in this pic.

reddit | omgxsonny

The second, smaller one that was hiding inside the other one? Absolutely not familiar with, but I love the concept!

This *hipster* restaurant uses concrete sewer pipes for outdoor seating

reddit | mrcortado

Perfect for patio season, baby!

This little ball may look like a marble, a crystal or something other basic home decor but no - it's actually a honey ball!

reddit | awusuwah

How convenient and non-sticky. Tea time will never be the same!

These wooden cutting boards read like books when you store them sideways.

reddit | mosoriaa

The Art of Charcuterie? Sign me up!

This man stitched a micro-fibre cloth into the inside his dress shirt for quick glasses cleaning!

reddit | Zedevile

How brilliant is that?

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