
This Twitter Account Shares Funny Pictures Of Poorly-Drawn Animals

I usually write about artists who create works of art that are next to amazing. And of course, those are so worth sharing but today's article is a little bit different, but worth mentioning nonetheless.

There's a Twitter account called Poorly Drawn Animals where people submit pictures of animals they tried to draw compared to how it actually came out. I guarantee these drawings will put a smile on your face.

1. This Hamster Giving The Peace Sign

Omg if the original wasn't funny enough the drawing captures the same exact vibe. I don't remember my hamsters ever being this chill.

2. This Lazy Dog

This is what your Shiba Inu looks like when it's lazy and you're asking it to do something for you. They never listen, do they?

3. This Chilled Pose

Is it funny that I would love to be a dog so I can sleep all day? You too? This pup has the best life.

4. This Lunging Cat

I gotta give it to this person for catching their cat in the act. I bet the kitty loves this drawing as much as I do.

5. This Unique Cat Face

When your cat makes a face like this you know you've found a true gem. I could stare at him all freakin' day. LOL!

6. Nailed It

This dog is like 99% fluff, so I'd say this sketch is pretty accurate. They're both so fluffy!!

7. This Surprised Face

It seems to me that cats make the best drawing subjects. Their faces are just so expressive. This drawing looks more like a seal to me, though.

8. This Fortunate Coincidence

Oh wow, you get two cats in one in this one. Ha, ha. The picture is awesome but the drawing has me rolling on the floor.

9. This Cat Who's Also A Nun

Holy crap! This is amazing. This is the funniest cat nun I've ever seen. This cat is taking it so well.

10. This Playful Situation

Who says cats hate water? Apparently, not this feline. He's totally chilling with his friendly duckies. This drawing is the tops, don't you think?

11. This Weird Contraption

WTF is this? LOL. Cats are truly the weirdest. The places they love to chill in totally surprise me. It looks like some kind of UFO.

12. This Little Pooch

Okay, let's not give cats all the credit. Dogs can be funny too. Just check out this crazy pooch. He's been captured perfectly I would say.

13. This Funky Dog

Ha, ha! If you ask me this is pretty much a very accurate rendition. Isn't it? I mean it's totally identical. It has the same expression.

It's pretty apparent it doesn't take much to make me laugh.

Ha, ha. I hope you feel the same way and these super cute drawings gave you the good feels too.