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12+ Memes That Capture The Work Life Perfectly

If there's one comfort we can take in having to leave our beds every day for a job we don't really feel like doing, it's that a lot of other people out there know how we feel.

But sadly, those people often end up in situations where we're forced to be their enemy. After all, at least a few of the drivers we honk at are probably going through our struggle, right?

Fortunately, we've found some neutral ground where people can anonymously spill the tea about their work lives: Memes.

So let's crack open a few while we dodge our boss' glances.

1. Yeah, this is why having coworkers you actually like is kind of a double-edged sword.

Instagram | @nochill

It's hard to picture getting through our days without them, but the unforgettable conversations we have will probably get us fired one of these days.

We'll have to develop a secret code.

2. This is both kind of accurate to the Walmart experience and also something we wish would happen there.

Reddit | wyatt19

Not only would breaking up customer fights be easier if they could go in the ring and powerbomb each other, but it would definitely break up the monotony.

3. For real, why does the boss always show up during the one minute we spend keeping ourselves sane with YouTube?

Hitting Alt+Tab and doing the thoughtful stare I practiced got me out of more jams than I can remember.

I was so slick, I slid right past them.

4. Morning people in general confuse and scare me, but that's especially true on Mondays.

Far be it from me to shade someone's happiness, but are they glad to stop sleeping in and doing whatever they want?

It's like actually celebrating back-to-school season as a kid.

5. I wonder if this is what getting sassed by your own kid feels like.

Instagram | @mytherapistsays

If it weren't for us, they'd still be losing fights with the copier and staring in panic whenever the boss tells them to do something.

It takes audacity to be like they be.

6. I suppose creating this mental image is a good way to prevent any snitching to the boss.

I mean, would you tell on Jeff Goldblum? Could you really handle being the reason that he doesn't get to live out his wacky adventures? I couldn't.

7. We should all be proud of ourselves because this is a big improvement from our earlier thoughts.

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

We started the day not wanting to be anywhere near our jobs, but thinking about lunch at least puts us in the same district. That's something, right?

8. We may have left it behind, but we had one day where at least some folks at the DMV understood our struggle.

Reddit | lateblueheron

Now I need to find a costume about pulling together three different pieces of ID and really fill the hole in my soul.

9. Let's just say that if that Friday is anywhere near a holiday, they're lucky that anything is getting done at all.

Instagram | @mytherapistsays

It doesn't matter if an expense report has some drunken gibberish about how much Larry sucks as long as the numbers are correct, right?

10. Sure, this group could turn out to be completely lovely with no complaints.

Instagram | @tank.sinatra

While we're talking about stuff that could happen and probably won't, each customer that day could leave a $100 tip. The day could be good enough that we don't cry in the bathroom.

11. Ugh, it's bad enough to have coworkers touching our stuff without them sending weird little ransom notes about it.

Reddit | StcStasi

Although I wonder how many staples it would take to write out "You'll never get it back?" The joke will be on them when they run out.

12. Haha, I guess this is one to make sure that nobody ever asks for the manager.


Although I guess I'd have to grudgingly respect someone who sees this name tag and sends their food back for vague reasons anyway.

Some people just can't be intimidated.

13. I'll bet there was a pretty intense moment where the dad wondered how hard he wanted to fight this battle.

Twitter | @joceyyys

"Hmm, is it more annoying to stay at this job or to try and look for another one?"

A lot of us ask ourselves that one.

14. If it helps, the face this guy is making is the exact one we're making when we actually get that bread.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I can't possibly expect the bread to understand, but I hope it realizes that this bizarre hunt isn't any easier for us.

15. I felt bad for this guy since his life is probably a barrage of "The Office" references, but he seems at peace with it.

Reddit | s0k5394

If our years following the other Jim taught us anything, it's that being married to Pam is worth pretty much anything.

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