24 Things That For Real Happened

I'll level with you, I haven't searched every pixel of these pics for signs of Photoshop. It's not impossible that some sneaky so-and-so subtly doctored one of them and made the unreal seem real, but I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Because all of the pics in this marvelous collection hit that sweet spot of being just wild enough to surprise us, but not so wild that they're impossible.


1. Yikes, even the dolls seem really unnerved about this kid's...hobby.

Instagram | @mememang

Or maybe it's just that any wide-eyed expression looks like spine-chilling terror when it's behind a severed, plastic baby face.

Yeah, it's funny how such a small thing can have that effect.

2. I'd say that I wanna know the answer to this too, but I think that's pretty much a given.

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

If anything, I want to meet the person who doesn't want to do this. Like, what are their dreams and aspirations?

Most importantly, who hurt them?

3. OK, so I got really excited for a moment because I thought they actually ordained a doggo.

Instagram | @tank.sinatra

But nah, it turns out he's just wearing a mask. Don't get me wrong, I'm still intrigued. I just need to adjust to the disappointment.

4. I don't know about y'all, but I'm pretty relieved to see that we have this hot Cheetos' approval.

Instagram | @kalesalad

In this time of confusion and worry, it's important to be reassured that we're still doing OK. Especially from the best kind of Cheetos.

5. I'm kind of waiting to hear the explanation for why this person kept taking pictures, but the important thing is that the kid is OK.

Instagram | Instagram

And the fact that this last photo was his reaction to the whole situation makes it even more fierce.

6. Ugh. Is it bad that at this point, I'm just relieved to see something edible as a pizza topping?

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

It's probably still a gross flavor combination, but at least there won't be any detergent companies begging you not to eat it.

7. What kills me is that her response to this is, "Aw day made kinda."

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

Whether that cocoa powder is ever coming out or not, the point is that she's still up some fresh new kicks.

And they're white, so she's basically promising not to do that again.

8. I hope I don't have to remind this person that this kind of service deserves a massive tip.

Instagram | @will_ent

I mean, I feel bad enough about answering the door with no pants on. Making them come to me in that situation is quite the tall order.

9. Yeah, I would treat this as the most special order I've ever received. I wouldn't want to let Cody down.

Reddit | Zombi3Bait

Whether the hanger is within us or within a loved one, it's not a situation that you want to escalate under any circumstances.

10. Huh. Let it never be said that Google doesn't take the "street" part of Street View seriously.

Instagram | @thesavageposts

I'd love it if they got kind of snippy with the cops, too.

"I don't know, officer. He didn't stop to tell me who he was."

11. Haha, even the FBI would have a hard time tracking down a kid who doesn't want to be found.

Instagram | @nochill

We watched Codename: Kids Next Door for fun, but this guy was obviously taking notes. Since he's alone, does that make him a rogue agent?

12. I like how much the grandpa looks like he's not sure how to feel about this.

Instagram | @thesavageposts

The kid is glad the pitiless march of time hasn't darkened dear old grandpa's doorstep, so that's good, right?

Plus, we've got what I assume are supposed to be cars. That's something.

13. I'm not sure whether I find this cool or distressing, but I guess I have to acknowledge that it exists.

Reddit | Forlurn

What I'm amazed by is the fact that they found someone who's capable on keeping a straight face while she wears it.

14. If these socks didn't look like a gentle breeze could make them crumble into dust, I'd actually kind of be into them.

Instagram | @thebestoftumblrofficial

You may roll your eyes at me, but I don't think that hiking up my cuffs and screaming "CARRL!" would ever get old.

15. I think that once these people found out their building would be on Fake Street, they knew what they had to do. 

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

At least the wait times won't be too bad because nobody will ever believe this place exists.

16. You know, I'm starting to suspect that she shaved this kid's head just so she could do this.

Instagram | @will_ent

It would almost be tempting to straight-up paint that arrow on his head. That depends on how cool his school is, though.

17. This kid is operating on a level of genius so hard that it justifies the glass table's entire existence.

Instagram | @tank.sinatra

I just hope this kid doesn't have siblings, because they're guaranteed to suddenly startle him and make him bang his head.

18. As much as it would suck to wake up with utterly destroyed shorts like this, I would still feel kind of impressed.

Reddit | heyheyhiitsme

I'm not sure I've ever been so drunk that I found a way to confuse and terrify the laws of physics.

19. I'm somehow both jealous of whoever received this, and kind of unnerved by the shape of it.

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

I'm not sure what kind of bizarre genetic engineering went into this, but I might get used to the future if it's gonna look like this.

20. Hmm, I guess it's not a good idea to call this lady if you've got sensitive information.

Instagram | @sciexpatmasyas1

After all, the only way she's ever hearing what you're talking about is if it's loud enough for everybody else, too.

21. Yeah, I'm sure parking on this ice seemed like a perfectly good idea once upon a time...

Reddit | allentertainment2

But since the weather has a nasty habit of switching between warm and cold like it's flicking a light switch on and off, those days are obviously over.

22. Yikes! I'm really hoping that somebody's bae is about to have a headache or something tonight.

OmgThis | OmgThis

Whatever buys enough time until somebody can explain what a dangerous game they're playing here.

It had to be right in the center, huh?

23. Whoa, this toilet can apparently be found in Siberia, and I do not envy any plumbers there.

Reddit | dickfromaccounting

The only way you're flushing a goldfish down this baby is if you want scientists to bring it back to life in 100 years.

24. It's like even the potatoes know that their time is over and they're trying to physically drag themselves over to the trash can.

Instagram | @sciexpatmasyas1

Either that, or this student accidentally invented a new life-form that will end up enslaving us. You had your chance, robots.

He flew too close to the sun.

Reddit | rightcoastguy

Yes, it's everyone's favorite manufacturer of willfully unnecessary copyright infringement, the Hand Crocs guy. His invention might not be a real product that's available in stores, but that cease and desist letter from Crocs is absolutely real.


Reddit | FreddyGrimReaper89

The tag on this Japanese clothing is the most brutally honest thing I've seen. I wonder what the other sizes are. I'm guessing they range from fat to husky to svelte to emaciated.


Reddit | Prozenflame

Spiders are helpful little critters who take care of the flies and miscellaneous other bugs that get into our homes. But this spider went above and beyond by cleaning up the hole in this bug net.

Did he invite her into the Ministry of Darkness?

Reddit | LonelyRegister

This is just a casual photo from the early 90's of Mark Calaway, better known as the Undertaker from WWE, hanging out with his grandma. I love that he's still in his wrestling persona.

I have questions.

Reddit | CarneyBarney

It's a bit of a relief that this person didn't leave a living dog in a hot car. But why would they have a taxidermied mutt in their front seat? It's just weird.

Hello, world.

Reddit | Smoke_Hex

This is a great location for a corner office. That said, I think that just about anyone can agree that it's not a great location for a gynecologist's chair.


Reddit | grandyy

Either there was a sudden. localized storm of Liquid Paper falling on this location, or a truck carrying a ton of white paint just lost control and spilled its contents.

Climate change.

Reddit | MyNameIsRJ

Everyone knows that Venice is criss-crossed with canals, but even the most famously aquatic city in the world has its limits. This is what St. Mark's Square looked like after recent flooding.

Maybe just grab a McMuffin instead.

Reddit | feelin_raudi

It looks like a worm farm, but it's actually a (terrifying) granola bar that's become thoroughly colonized by creepy crawlies. I guess that expiration date should be taken seriously.

Lemme put my phone down real quick.

Reddit | irishrugby2015

Leaving a phone on a windowsill is a dumb move, but this pic goes beyond that. This window doesn't open, and it's way up in the air. How did this even happen?

Nobody stopped to ask whether this was a good idea.

Reddit | comoseenya

Look, plain peppermint candy canes can get a tad boring, so I'm on board with novelty flavors. Thing is, those flavors should be, like, fruity and tasty, not inspired by seafood.

They say the perfect car doesnt exi-

Reddit | casualphilosopher1

I think the owner of this vehicle has been playing a lot of GTA Online and wanted to take some of those video game ideas into the real world.

The elusive unicow.

Reddit | plainprogram

Animals that grow horns can grow them in all sorts of unique ways, but I think this is the first time I've ever seen a cow that wants to be a unicorn.

A literal cheesecake.

Reddit | GoKysPlease

You know, whatever's under all these Kraft Singles might be delicious. It might just be the best cake ever baked. Unfortunately, no one's going to want to eat through the processed cheese in order to find out.

Spoiled by selection.

Reddit | alshrand

Assuming each roll is different, this almost makes sense for the TP fancier. Maybe they just want to experience some of the world's more exotic types of toilet paper.