
19+ People Who Left Mistakes On The Job

When you hire someone to do a job, you always like to think that the person will give it their all and make sure that everything they do is done to perfection!

However, there are some people out there who don't exactly...well, care about their work. So, with this in mind, here are 18+ people who left mistakes on the job.

Well...They Tried At Least!

I believe that they actually call this Bono Syndrome, characterised by someone having their head stuck up their own ass.

This "Interesting" Staircase...

As long as I look at this for, I just cannot figure out what could possibly have been going through the head of whoever constructed this...seriously, how?!

"I put the cord cover across the path, boss!"

I don't think that this person understands what this is for...or what the word "cover" means for that matter.

That's Not Even Remotely Central!

If they wanted this sign to be especially eye-catching then mission accomplished. However, it also makes me want to rip my eyes out and eat them.

What Monster Did This?

Regardless of this annoying mistake, why would anyone want that tile pattern anyway? It looks like a load of giant germs at a line dance!

"Finished the fence boss."

"Hey, Dave, I got that fence finished!"

"Great stuff! Also, have you seen my car anywhere?"

"No, I don't think so..."

"Just found this while traveling in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Okay, wow, now this takes dangerous to new levels...literally. It looks like this architect got their degree in Minecraft.

"Am I wrong or is this actually harder than the obvious alternative?"

One wildly annoyed person noted, "Not only is it far more unnecessary than just adding 2 90s, it's actually taking away the entire structural integrity of whatever that column supports."

"Six legs for a lion?"

"You know that lions only have four legs right?"

"Yeah, well, that's just how secure our facilities are, we have two extra legs!"

"Wouldn't that just trip the lion up?"

"Dave, this is no place for logic."

This Unfortunate Subway Advert...

Can you imagine being the person who modelled for that advert seeing this for the first time. You'd be devastated.

Seems Secure!

"Right, we're coming up to the bridge people, no one look down and everyone hold your breath!"

A "Purrfect" Likeness...Sort Of!

I love how the cat is looking at the cameraman as if to say, "Steve, have you seen this thing? What the hell is it?"

"Found on real estate listing: interesting bathroom layout..."

Ah, the feng shui is strong with this person. I kind of admire the boldness, and admittedly the barefaced stupidity, of this design choice.

"An alternate path for disabled people with...steps?"

I guess it is still a bit easier to climb, but wouldn't a ramp be better?

"Linked the chain, boss."

I can imagine that there would still be some thieves who would try and pick or break that lock before noticing this.

"This is the perfect place for a balcony."

"Do you want to go an sit on the balcony for a while?"

"Well...not really?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I like being able to see and stand up straight."

"Someone needs to be fired."

Unless the designer was trying to show a revolution against the first two books in the style and size of the last book? I'm really grasping here I know.

But, How Do We Get Down?

"Lovely view isn't it?"

"Yes, it's lovely. But, I'd rather talk about the fact that you've..."

"Shush! Hush now and just enjoy the view!"

"His name is..."

In fairness, this looks like possibly the most generic man alive so I can believe that his name may actually just be "Name."

No Mouthwash Left Unturned!

"Steve, what are you doing?"

"I'm just moving this mouthwash so we can paint behind it."

"Put it back, you're making the rest of us look bad!"

"That's not really hard though is it Dave?"