15+ Unexpected Pics No One Saw Coming

I'm a big fan of novelty. After all, if you're not going through the internet looking for stuff that you've never seen before, then what even is the point of any of this?

Learning stuff? Psshhhhhh. Getting perspectives from your fellow human beings? Give me a break.

Give me ridiculous pictures or don't bother me at all.

1. Any day that starts off with the clouds giving you positive vibes like this is a day worth living.

Reddit | jonhudson_22

It's funny, when the clouds give me a thumbs up, I feel good about it, but when someone hits me with one in a Messenger chat, I know I've done something terribly wrong.

2. This is not the kind of thing you want to see once you're actually at work.


My personal lifehack for this kind of problem is to just not own more than one nice pair of shoes. It keeps things way less complicated.

3. If taking selfies is a competition, then I think it's safe to say that this dude just won.

Reddit | ImaginingDragon

I wonder if he just took hundreds of pictures, making that exact face in case a whale ever decided to photobomb him.

4. This looks like it was made by somebody who was trying to win a bet about how close they could get to violating copyright, while still getting away with it.

Reddit | iiElemento

5. The Sextant? I thought they shut that place down!

Reddit | HiTripp

I mean you're still going to a bar and hanging out with good people, which is pretty much the reason we go to a strip club in the first place, right?

6. Sometimes it's nice to see people get exactly what they're looking for.

Reddit | Cerling_Stooper

It's just not always clear why they wanted that in the first place. But you do you, homie.

7. They say that taking care of yourself is its own reward. Obviously those people have never heard of cake.

Reddit | proosk

Cake and cookies?That's what I call self-care. And it's healthy, too, because, y'know, milk.

8. They're bricks! But they're made of wood!

Reddit | Peculiarhat

I have no idea if this is actually a good idea or not, but it sure looks neat. Please keep my obvious ignorance of construction materials in mind before you hire me to build anything for you.

9. I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure that going to this car is about to open up a new video game mission for me.

Reddit | Gooner885

It's probably better if I don't live my life like it's a big game of Grand Theft Auto, right?

10. "I flew 5913 Miles to enjoy the view from the legendary California State Route 1. Worth it!" —Kid_Rebel1 on Reddit. 

Reddit | Kid_Rebel1

I promised that you'd be surprised by the things you see here, and sometimes the most surprising thing of all is seeing nothing.

11. Believe it or not, this happened naturally.

Reddit | chiken_cs

With one end of this piece of dried seaweed stuck in the sand, the wind ended up blowing a couple of perfect circles. I'm sure there's a metaphor in there, but you're going to have to talk to a much better writer to find it.

12. Seems kind of inappropriate to call out a whole state in your geology classroom, but here we are.

Reddiit | iheartcatzz

I'm choosing to believe that this class happened in Alabama and that the joke really did not go over well.

13. This person seems to be doubting just how good their idea was, but I think it's come along better than they ever could have expected.

Reddit | Pirate_Redbeard

I mean, if you're not going to huck cats at your doors, then why even get doors like this in the first place?

14. Yes. Yes it is.

Reddit | jonysaid

Frankly, I'd think it'd be weirder if someone decided to emerge from the water like Daniel Craig in Casino Royale behind you at your wedding and you didn't stare at him.

15. As if having access to a plane wasn't already its own vanity plate.

Reddit | Leo_10011

I mean, why even own a plane if you're not going to use it to make everyone else feel bad? That's what I want to know.

16. I'm thinking that you and I use "delight" to mean drastically different things.

Reddit | GameCollector44

Then again, that second cookie seems way more in line with the general spookiness of October, so I'm into it.

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