16 People Obviously Hating Their Lives Right Now

Hating your life sounds pretty dramatic, unless you happen to be one of these unfortunate people, and then I think it's totally valid. The good thing is, it will probably never be as bad again. The bad thing is, you'll probably never recover from such a bad day.

1. This person, who really wanted to get into the glove compartment of their car, but nah

Reddit | Amersaurus

It's not like there's another way to get in or anything. They just really have to hope they don't need anything from there like say, their licence and registration, or whatever.

2. The owner of this little fish 

Reddit | CWilds4572

Okay, probably the cat too. Because there's no way this can end well for any pet involved. And the poor little fish has no idea how bad this day is going to get. Just keep swimming, little fella.

3. This person who just wanted to start their day off with a fresh cup of coffee, but no, the universe had other plans 

Reddit | Twigsnapper

Silver lining: At least the mug didn't break mid-drink because that would have been a whole other level of disaster.

4. The owner of a phone that's not getting charged anytime soon

Reddit | Reddit

If that's not a sign to lay off your texting habits for a bit, I don't know what is. Also, this is a very clear argument to show why you should never buy knockoff chargers, it just never goes well.

5. The person who opened this cupboard

Reddit | spannerNZ

And so badly wishes they hadn't, I bet. There's no faster way to do a pantry clean-out than to destroy everything you have in there from the get-go.

6. Whoever decided they were going to try and make it home with a very large can of paint

Reddit | sorenanker

But decided the street needed a fresh coat instead. Lovely color though, at least they got that part right.

7. Bob Stocklas, who has never envied his brother more 

Reddit | Yamezj

I feel like this is exactly what would happen to me and my sister if we ever played the lottery. All you can do is smile and pray they don't hold years of bickering against you.

8. A guy who just wanted to be adventurous and try something new 

Reddit | stamp_of_approval

But maybe leaping into rugby wasn't the best way to go? At least he's getting his head in the game.

9. This couple who was set on living their dream, until that dream very much ended

Reddit | lklkemc

The amount of bad jokes these two are facing is so unfortunate. Not as unfortunate as having your dreams sail away into the distance without you, but hey.

10. The person whose smoke alarm isn't much of an alarm at all

Reddit | TheSilentCool

I desperately want to know if it made a sound as it caught fire. Like, was it aware that it was failing at the one job it has?

11. This athlete that lost a race by only a fraction of an inch

Reddit | BunyipPouch

So close, yet so far! From this day forward, they will be haunted by a moment so small that a picture was needed to verify that it was even true. Sports, man.

12. Wow, thanks for the confidence boost, technology.

Reddit | carleyjunelle

It's obscured by superimposed lips, but what little of this woman's chin I can make out really doesn't match what this filter apparently sees.

Whoever programmed this was very judgy and I'm not here for it.

13. Not only is this person screwed, but so is everyone else who tries to use this snack machine.

Reddit | FastForwardHustle

The problem isn't just that this can got stuck, but that it happened to get stuck in the perfect way to keep the flap on this machine closed so nothing else can possibly get out.

The only way something like this could make us cheer is if it happened in Sausage Party or something.

14. The further north you are, the more likely you are to have to deal with this right now.

Reddit | Newfiekev

And yes, all of that is snow. This is definitely looking to be a wild winter, which makes the fact that my furnace stopped working yesterday just so exciting.

So exciting, you guys.

15. This guy was making a face while checking in at an airport and underestimated how quickly the camera flashes.

Reddit | havik09

This may not seem so bad, but he ended up playing himself because someone got concerned enough about this intense expression to "randomly" screen him.

I know, surprising, right?

16. Whoever tries to sleep on this mattress is about to have a rough night.

Reddit | vanransandwich

It turns out that when the internal supports in an air mattress break, the whole thing just puffs up like a giant marshmallow.

Unfortunately, the results aren't as comfortable as that might sound.

17. I'm not sure how rudely you'd need to order pizza to deserve this kind of disrespect.

Reddit | XclusiveMTL

So what happened here is that this person ordered a pepperoni, bacon, and green pepper pizza with a side Caesar salad.

That order may sound simple enough, but it somehow turned into, "weird burnt out husk of a pizza and my new invention, pepperoni salad."

Call me a philistine, but I wouldn't think sacrificing my pizza would be worth this bold new stride.

18. Let's all take a moment to honor whatever server had to deal with this party who thought they could pay in "love."

Reddit | toxboxdevil

They can say all the nice things they want, but taking food out of the server's mouth by gobbling up theirs and running isn't exactly a loving action.

19. When it's in pieces like this, it's hard to even recognize why this situation sucks so bad.

Reddit | SpikeKintarin

It would probably help to learn that this was once a tungsten wedding ring and that it didn't even last 10 years before it fell apart like this.

On the plus side, there's a chance that this isn't a total write-off for them because a lot of tungsten bands apparently have 10-year warranties.

20. We don't have to speak the same language as this person to recognize how sad they probably feel right now.

Reddit | Cassiepassie

Two days after they got a new (or "nieuwe" if you like) TV, something hit the screen hard and now the only show anybody's watching on it is about cracked glass and random stripes.

21. It's pretty easy to sympathize when even the official sign warning you of a predicament is calling it a "ridiculous situation."

Reddit | KotalKahnScorpionFan

That said, I'm sure that more than a few people have already gotten hammered enough to slide things across the floor, so that's fun.

22. This person, who just wanted to lie down, but the couch had other plans 

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

Apparently, those plans involved forcing this person to try some serious yoga moves. This is why I never trust a bed that isn't always a bed.

23. The owner of this car that is clearly disguised as a snowbank 

Reddit | FedyaSteam

I love that they knew it was coming. Like, they left their wipers up for a reason, and now it's a lost car— I mean cause. Winter always wins.

24. Whoever is in charge of cleaning up this dangerous mess

Reddit | soulkeyy

Not only will it take them forever, but that's a lot of glass and a lot of potential to make this situation go from horrible to tragic.

25. Todd, because everyone else is probably hating his life too

Twitter | @SteveSuckington

I don't know what Todd did, and I'm not one to hate a stranger, but I am pretty disappointed, just like everyone else in this town.

26. And this person, who can't even try to escape the bad day

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

If it's a car key, they're not budging. If it's a house key, they can't even get inside to lay down and sleep off the bad day. Overall, this is the worst.

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