
15+ Pics That're Tricksier Than Those Filthy Hobbitses

Sometimes it's nice to just get what you came for. It makes things easy, and you get to just do your thing and move on with your life.

But sometimes the real fun is having your expectations turned upside down. And sometimes that takes the form of weird pictures that don't look like anything you expect.

See where I'm going with this? What I'm saying is that I'm going to take you on an Unexpected Journey, if you will.

1. I have no idea what's actually going on in this house, but I can say with a lot of certainty that vampires do not live here.

Reddit | LulsenMCLelsen

Or if they do, they have very little regard for their own health and well-being.

2. I'm starting to think that this book masquerading as a cell phone doesn't actually know how numbers work. 

Reddit | NuloSaur

Not gonna lie, I'd probably try to charge my book if I got this. I'd know it wasn't going to do anything, but I just feel really compelled to try and address this issue.

3. If you'd told me today that I was going to see cleats dressed up like cowboy boots, I'd have called you a liar.

Reddit | porsche_914

I'd also probably have said, "Please don't DM me anymore, I don't know you and this is inappropriate."

4. When you get a new perfume but you're not really all that excited about it.

Reddit | dandu3

This is the official scent of opening a birthday present that you didn't really want, and you're not about ready to let that slide.

5. Well thank goodness there's finally a way to be able to tell if this box is open or not.

Reddit | rachelanne808

Actually, this is pretty cool, but I've been conditioned to try to be as cynical as possible toward everything.

6. Okay, this one I can be legitimately sarcastic about.

Reddit | Jeff_Mikusek

Like, honey, I know that you're doing your very best here, but that's really not how braille works.

7. This goat started off as the G.O.A.T., but then its final form has goat to go.

Imgur | Imgur

Seriously, that adult goat looks like it's been through like three divorces and is ready to tell you about why love is a lie.

8. Sometimes romance doesn't look exactly like you expect it to.

Imgur | Imgur

But believe you me, if you find someone who makes your heart do that, you either marry that person or visit a cardiologist immediately.

9. Holy crap. They cleaned and buffed this car so well that it's pretty much invisible.

Reddit | Reddit

On the one hand, I want to be impressed. On the other hand, it's reminding me about that James Bond movie, Die Another Day, and my day was going a lot better before I remembered it existed.

10. Listen, if someone's going to take the time to compliment you with props, you'd darned well better take it better than this.

Imgur | 3point14159mp

I know I told you not to DM me, but if you think I'm great, it's okay to do it.

11. I am all about these empowering hashtags.

Imgur | JohnMaley42

I think the real trick is going to be finding a hoodie that she didn't already steal from you in the first place.

12. Here comes cullenrutherford asking the questions that we all need the answers to.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

I can't even tolerate someone putting pickle seasoning on their popcorn in the same theater as me. There's no way that I'm going to tolerate this kind of nonsense.

13. Sometimes you don't have the time to eat a proper meal, so you just grab whatever you can on the way out the door.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

I really really want to believe that this isn't a staged photo. So stay quiet, okay?

14. I cannot begin to tell you how many cats we've lost this way.

Reddit | izzzy24

Basically, their house is just a roving carpet of kittens. That may sound adorable, but trust me — the litter box situation is unacceptable.

15. I have so many questions, but I don't even know where to start.

Reddit | mntoak

Like, this isn't just a solution for their tailgate falling off, right? Someone please help me with this.

16. Welcome to another episode of Posters That Would Get You Slapped In 2008 But Are A Compliment In 2018.

Funnyjunk | Funnyjunk

The times, they are a changing, and we are truly in the era of the booty.

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