
14+ Things That Didn’t Turn Out How We Thought They Would

Not all things in this world can go as planned, with a lot of situations often finding many ways to shock us for both good and ill.

So, from canal boats experiencing a lot of bother to rice which blew our tiny minds, here are 14+ things that didn't turn out how we thought they would!

"British Problems."

There seems to be a lot of this sort of thing going around at the moment! Way to try and upstage the Suez Canal fiasco Britain!

"They Said Cut The Power And The Power Was Cut..."

"Dave, how'd you get on switching the leccy off?"

*Soft sizzling sounds...

"I was tasked with clearing out the crawlspace, but then I found my old slot car track and progress haulted. A+ would clean again."

Now this is how you clean out a cupboard! Nothing quite like finding a gem like this when you're cleaning and wasting the day completely distracted!

"My wife lost a bet and had to go on the scariest ride at the carnival."

She looks like she is having an absolutely whale of a time! I hope she didn't get too scared by this experience!

"Called for a handyman. Didn't expect this."

I am simultaneously amazed that this actually exists and that it is bloody road legal!

"Did a chocolate treasure hunt for my kid, and he wrote me this note... I thought he liked it!"

Clearly the chocolate treasure hunt left something to be desired! Hopefully you'll step your game up next time dad!

"Look closer..."

It took me a good while to work out what was wrong with this person's dog...which is thankfully nothing!

Two For The Price Of One!

The person who owns these cats explained, "My cat went missing for 2 days, so I put an advert on Facebook. Literally 5 mins after [posting it] my cat comes to the door. 30 mins later, my neighbour comes and drops off what he thought was my cat. Now I have two identical cats."

"My girl took a pic of me at a spa. It didn't turn out as expected."

It must be an absolute nightmare for this poor guy to buy a suit that fits him well!

"My wife after a thirteen hour nursing shift in the Covid Unit."

Look, it takes something particularly special to get in the way of someone and their bottle of wine...especially after a day like that!

"Think different..."

Is this what it means when websites ask if you want to accept cookies? I hope so!

"My cat regretting her choice to go outside in the rain."

Mistakes were very clearly made here. That expression is also absolutely priceless.

"I think my breakfast is threatening me."

I can imagine that this is how the Punisher has his eggs. If they don't have the little skull in them then he throws them away, it takes him ages to cook his breakfast.

"Freeloading bear taking a bath in someone's backyard jacuzzi!"

Of all of the people and/or things that I would not want to have to kick out of a jacuzzi, a bear would be top of that list!

"I've had this Mr.Krabs keychain for a while but lost the faceplate so now everyone thinks I'm carrying around a uterus."

Well, there is nothing wrong with carrying around a uterus! What have you got against the uterus my guy?!

"Kid wearing the wrong mask in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Actually, I think that this is the perfect mask for this particular occasion! He looks like a Doctor Who villain!

"Keep drinking in anticipation!"

Most people are trying to convince others to maybe drink a little less in lockdown, but not these guys, they're keeping it real!

"I stared out the window for 5 minutes thinking the neighbors got a new puppy. It's ceramic."

They must have been staring at this and thinking, "Wow, that new puppy is really well-behaved, it's hardly moved!"

"Even Duolingo wants me to die!"

That little green Duolingo bird has some real trust and commitment issues, so I'm not surprised that you got this message!

"Plane Rice Indeed!"

So, did they have the mold ready to make this or did they have to build it painstakingly by hand?