Sculpture Covered In Frost Looks Like A Drawing That Came To Life

Have you ever taken a trip up north?

If you haven't, it might be time to start considering it. You'll be heading to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where you'll find sun, sand, and frost all in the same place.

Take the VanDusen Botanical Gardens, for example. There, you'll find a statue that recently went viral for its slightly ethereal look. Let's check it out!

Welcome to the VanDusen Botanical Gardens.

Located in Vancouver, the gardens are a beloved part of Vancouver life. They're home to outdoor events, filming for television and movies, and to a gorgeous sculpture garden featuring artists from around the world!

One of those sculptures came to the Gardens in 2013.

This is Departure, by American artist George Lundeen. Lundeen created the sculpture off of a sketch he did in 1973, which featured a couple from an Italian train station. Lundeen cast them in bronze, and they now live in the gardens.

They recently went viral because of a curious weather event.

Redditor u/shawneffel posted this stunning snap of the statue to r/oddlysatisfying, aka one of the best subreddits. Commenters were mesmerized by how the frost turned the normally shiny bronze completely matte.

Everyone loved the picture.

They were especially awed by the gorgeous, soft contrast of the greys against the green background. One user even said they would have believed it if they'd been told this was a pencil drawing!

This is proof that nature is truly the best artist!