Target Shoppers Are Giving Those Mini Gumball Machines A DIY Upgrade

So, first of all: Target has mini gumball machines, and that feels like something that should be emphasized. MINI. GUMBALL. MACHINES. I want one.

Second of all... I barely have a second of all. People are taking the tiny machines and DIYing them into cool little machines! What isn't there to love?

Here's the original:

Well, that's a frankly horrifying shade of red, isn't it? Target released this bad boy a few weeks ago, and DIYers immediately knew it would look way better in anything other than Valentine's Day-red.

Just FYI: They're not REALLY gumball machines.

They may look like machines, but they're actually just fancy jars with lids. No candy dispensing will happen with these bad boys, but that's alright — they're cool enough on their own.

Hello, pastels.

The set, which was sold in a pack of four, looks way better when painted over in some gorgeous pastels! I mean, look how good that pink is up front. I want it.

Some smart shoppers customized them according to different holidays.

Okay, geniuses! This is so smart! The black machine is for Halloween candy, and the others can be used during other holidays. I'd use the gold for Christmas, personally.

Some people found an even better use for it.

Guys. IT'S A COFFEE BEAN HOLDER. How cool is this? Paint one up and use it at your coffee station for a little vintage moment. I'm obsessed.

Using them for drinks? Give this crafter an award.

Now that is a cocktail! The gumball machines make perfect fishbowl cocktails, ideal for kicking back and celebrating holidas with your friends. Or for just having a fun night in, let's be real. You don't need an excuse to be fancy.

St. Patrick's Day just got even more fun.

Seriously, I'm loving all of the holiday inspired machines! This crafty DIYer has a bowl full of chocolate coins. That would not last long in my house, I have to say.

Come through, Easter fantasy!

I love the addition of ears on top of the lid! What can't you use this gumball machine for? (I guess as an actual gumball machine, but shhh.)

You can even remove the paint entirely!

If red isn't your thing, you can get rid of the paint entirely with a little rubbing alcohol.

These are available in Bullseye's Playground, but not online. So hope to your local Target before they sell out!