12+ Things That Shouldn't Exist In This World

There are a lot of things that just shouldn't exist. And I'm not even a picky person or anything. Like, I dig tacky clothes and I'll go for the foods that most people would file under fail. But these? Even I think these shouldn't exist.

1. Toothpaste tubes that are squeezed like this 

Reddit | DO_YOU_ENJOY_MY_____

And also the people who squeeze the toothpaste tubes to make them like this. Which would then include me, because I am the worst. And I am not sorry.

2. I bet you that this drink was totally expensive 

Reddit | YoBoiRudy

And then it shows up a frothy mess and you're left wondering what you did to deserve such cruel treatment. Why can't we just leave frothy drinks where they belong, aka the garbage?

3. I very rarely eat these, but when I do, it's a risk

Reddit | Rekordea

Because having the paper stick to the cone is worse than not having a cone in general. And I think that makes perfect sense, don't you agree?

4. Tile floors should just be banished in general if they're going to end up like this

Reddit | Craymod

Like, I don't mean to be rude, but...you had one job my friend, just one.

If you need help, look at the dead center of the photo, and then you'll wish you hadn't.

5. I'm sure these polar bears would look adorable if they had a green scarf 

Reddit | PeNgu1N46

But the red scarf just straight-up looks like they were attacked and I am NOT okay with it.

6. Losing your suitcase in general is the worsttttt

Reddit | kandbe91

But somehow, I think having just your sad, lonely handle show up is worse. Just a reminder of what you lost.


Reddit | TotallyMeaCulpa

Okay, I think it mostly happens in schools, which doesn't make it any better. It always ends with me tripping or stepping on someone.

8. I don't know why this option exists, unless it's for ghosts

Reddit | bunnyxjam

Which, I mean, it could be. Anything is possible, but I just think that someone needs to work on their wording.

9. Smelly markers I totally get, even though I think they're a little strange 

Reddit | KingHatch

But smelly scissors don't make a lot of sense and seem a little dangerous, maybe?

10. I'm sure at some point, this made sense

Reddit | kikinek3000

Actually, that's a full lie. I can't understand how a door in the middle of a building would ever make sense.

11. I don't think that these computer mice are out in the wild anymore, tbh

Reddit | GeneralSplat

But I am SO glad they are not, because they are the WORST. Whoever thought that wee wheel was a good idea?

12. I'm down for slime, and I'm down for fudge...but not together

Reddit | yeakob

And packaging it like this is one way to make sure that somewhere, someone (probably a child) eats it.

13. Shirts that take longer to read than they should

Reddit | bigmeec2017

Aka any shirt that gives me a headache. Which this one 100% does and I haven't actually figured out what it says...yet.


Reddit | miimeverse

Some signs are funny, and some are just so confusing that they make my head hurt. It shouldn't be this difficult.

15. Because this is exactly what we should be promoting in schools

Reddit | arcade3145

You know, safety and such. If that's not a sign to drop the class then I don't know what is.

16. Can we put a stop to this, though?

Reddit | Blakex123

The placement of buttons really needs to be considered, especially on buses. Whoever wants to reach that needs to make a bold move if they're sitting in the aisle seat.

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