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Boys Use Allowance To Buy Flowers For 340 Women In Their School On Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a tough holiday for schools to celebrate, since it's so easy for feelings to be hurt.

Most schools opt for an all-or-nothing approach to cards as a way to combat this. Which sort of works, but also kind of defeats the purpose of the holiday.

Three boys at Summit Trail Middle School in Kansas wanted to do something a bit more special.

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Eighth-grader Tristan Valentine, seventh-grader Kyan Rice, and sixth-grader Lincoln Holmes pooled their allowances and bought carnations for every female student and female staff member in the entire school.

It seems appropriate that the idea came from a boy named Valentine.

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When he proposed the idea to Rice, the boy loved it and even donated $100 he'd earned refereeing soccer.

They kept the act a surprise, telling only a few friends and staff.

They arrived at school early with buckets full of bright pink carnations and took up positions at each entrance.

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As people began arriving, they kept things simple, handing each girl that arrived a flower with a simple "Happy Valentine's Day."

The principal, Dr. Sarah Guerrero loved the idea.

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She told KMBC News that is was "refreshing to see three young men go out of their way to make others feel happy."

The school's Twitter page shared pics of all the happy smiles.

In total, the boys gave out 340 carnations.

There was one for each of the 270 female students as well as the 70 female staff members.

With it being only the school's first year open, it's a great start. "Summit Trail is a special school," said Holmes. "And who knows, maybe we started a new tradition here."

h/t: KMBC News

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