Getty Images | Melons and Cuties

Mom Sparks Debate After Using Vibrator To Help Clear Baby's Congestion

With the power of social media and the internet, parents are sharing their tips and tricks with each other like never before.

Some of those tips might look a little odd, and some can even be controversial. That was the case with one viral parenting hack that showed a mom using a vibrator to help clear her baby's congestion.

Every parent knows that having a sick and congested baby is extremely stressful.

They can't communicate and tell you what's wrong, but you can tell that they're miserable. All you want to do is help them to get better as quickly as possible.

That's where this parenting hack comes in — and people are kinda shocked.

According to the Facebook page Melons and Cuties, using a vibrator on your baby's back in a steamy room can help clear their congestion.

Of course, be sure to consult your doctor before trying this at home with your baby.

While this tip might raise eyebrows, parents swear it works. And once you see the photo, it makes a lot of sense.

Facebook | Melons and Cuties

If it works, it works. I know some people might be put off by the fact that it's a vibrator, but of course you'll want to use a new one if you plan on doing this with your baby.

A lot of parents seemed supportive of this tip, especially if they have lived through taking care of a sick kid.

Facebook | Melons and Cuties

If it's safe, most parents will do whatever they can to survive — even if it's a little weird.

Other moms also shared that vibration can help with oral development and feeding issues.

Facebook | Melons and Cuties

Interesting! I've never heard of this before, but it seems that vibration can be used for a number of treatments on infants.

Just be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any vibration therapies at home.

Some pointed out that vibrators can also help with clogged ducts.

Unsplash | Dave Clubb

If you are breastfeeding or pumping, clogged milk ducts happen all the time.

Using a vibrator to gently massage the clogged duct can help break it up. I have tried this and can confirm it works.

And of course, who can forget when Samantha uses a vibrator to calm Brady on "Sex and the City".

Other parents also said they used a clean vibrator to soothe their baby when they were fussy. Vibrations are very calming to a baby!

The proof is in the pudding, folks!

Facebook | Melons and Cuties

See? Lots of people have used vibrations to soothe their babies. I wish I had known about this sooner because my son would only nap in the car for the longest time!

However, it's safe to say that not everyone was vibin' with this tip (pun intended).

Facebook | Melons and Cuties

Since posting, this photo has received over 26,000 comments, and obviously not all of those were praising this technique. Melons and Cuties posted a response to those who thought using a vibrator was inappropriate, here's an excerpt.

"When moms are in the trenches, its the middle of the night wit ha sick child, this s something they may not of thought of. For those of you calling us pervs... Yoou have a very unhealthy view of sexuality, parenting and can 'buzz' off. "

I am LOLing at "buzz off."

I get it, this is not your typical parenting hack by any means.

It's funny seeing how a lot of parents have embraced this hack, but some people still can't get over how weird it is.

At least some people had a sense of humor about it.

Twitter | @EnFrogg

You know, I never thought of this scenario. Honestly, as a parent, you have to learn how to see the humor in these things because, at times, it's the only thing keeping you sane.

And then came the jokes.

Facebook | Melons and Cuties

Sometimes the best part of these hacks going viral is reading the comments. I actually laughed out loud at this one.

Some moms weren't willing to try this hack for other reasons.

Facebook | Melons and Cuties


Hey, she makes a good point. Batteries can get pricey.

Not only did this post stir up controversy, but it might have some of the best one-liners I've seen in awhile.

Well, knowing the internet, this won't be the last weird parenting hack that we see.

If there's one thing parents love doing, it's sharing their tips and tricks online.

What do you think of this tip? It's certainly sparked interesting discussion among parents!

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