Mom's DIY Bathroom Beach Activity For Kids Divides Facebook Users

I've got to tell you, I miss the beach so much. In fact, I'm going to fess up something to you — I haven't been to one in a few years. I know, that's quite a shocker. Am I right?

But what if you could bring the beach into your own house? Well, that's exactly what this one mom did, but Facebook users weren't quite sure what to make of this activity.

Recently, a Facebook account, Day Out With The Kids, posted this idea one woman had to bring the beach into her house.

Instead of doing a beach day in her backyard, this mom did it in her bathroom.

Yes, I know what you must be thinking — "What?"

That was my reaction too when I saw the pictures. I mean, why in the heck would anyone do that? What kind of mess is this?

I don't know — the jury is still out on this one.

But let me ask you this: Does this acitivity seem like a good idea to you" Be honest when you answer me, please. Would you drag a bag of sand and dump it on the floor in your bathroom?

The kiddos seem to be having a grand, old time.

They probably think that they have the coolest mom in the world, ha, ha! My mom would never let me play in the sand in our bathroom. Oh, heck no!

Look at that little rascal — he looks like he's up to no good.

I honestly don't know how this lady ever got all that sand out of her bathroom? And what about all those unmentionable crevices on this little one? Oh, my!

Oh my goodness, I don't envy the mess this mom will have to clean up.

Imagine cleaning all that mess up? Perhaps she thought it was a good idea at the time, and then she realized the mistake she made, ha, ha! I wouldn't blame her if that were the case.

Let's just say people had a lot to say about this post when it went live.

Some of these comments weren't all that nice. This one person even said the mom needed to have her head examined. That's a little harsh. Don't you think so?

Many Facebook users were wondering the same thing:

This simple question came up numerous times in the comments. It's a fair question! Most parents are looking for ways to cut down on messes — not make them!

So what do you think of this "fun day at the beach" idea?

Would you ever consider doing something like this yourself? I think it's pretty safe to say I would never attempt to recreate this for anybody's kids. I'll take a hard pass on that one.

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