
17+ People Who Ignored The Problems Right In Front Of Them

When something goes wrong, it is always important to try and play it off as though nothing happened. However, the people on this list were very much incapable of this!

So, with this hilarious idea in mind, please enjoy these 17+ times we tried and failed to pretend that everything was fine!

"When taking a foot to your head is the better option..."

Nothing says, "It's okay, Son, I've got you!" quite like booting your child in the head while wearing flip flops as though your child were a beach ball.

"Crotch Bite By Firelight."

I bet that this guy thought long and hard about wearing sweat pants around his dog again after this! Riot gear seems much more appropriate.

"Becoming Shark Food..."

I feel like this poor fish is just staring at the photographer and saying, "Mate, you think this is bad, wait until you see what's behind you!"

"Chicken: Expectation vs Reality."

This cat looks like it will never get over this betrayal. I think that its owners can expect a half-eaten dead mouse in their mouths soon... Or, at least, a half-chewed photo of a dead mouse.

"Daughter brought an Emoji marshmallow lollipop thing back from Mexico."

This poor "lollipop" looks like it is very disheartened at having been taken away from home... Or it might be more upset at the fact that it's about to be eaten.

Half-Full, Or Half-Empty?

What a wonderful piece of abstract modern art! Like all "good" pieces of modern art, this piece looks like it was made accidentally by a child.

"Well, I tried."

Either this person really dropped the ball on this or the quality of The Simpsons has really dropped in recent years.

"Local doughnut shop has some jokes."

You cannot eat abs, though, can you? Well, I guess you can if you're a cannibal, but would abs really be the best bit of a human to eat? They'd be quite tough I'd imagine.

Can I Offer You A Paw At This Trying Time?

I just cannot get over the fact that they haven't put the seat down while they're vomiting! Who doesn't do that?!

"This Mask Is Not As Adorable As The Package Promised!"

Yeah, that really isn't as cute as intended. It looks more like someone has skinned a kids' mascot and stapled their face over their own in an attempt to scare the world's children.

That'll Do, I Guess!

As far as ways to cover potholes go, this is a pretty intense approach! I wonder if they just had some spare tarmac lying around, as you do.

"That moment when your handlebars come off your bike."

The fact that he is bearing his teeth in this moment of panic is probably not a good idea. Nothing knocks teeth out quite like falling off a bike...well, maybe a brick to the teeth...

"One strike and you're out."

I actually find this one quite hard to look at. I can only imagine the pain that he went through after this moment.

Putting The "Ultimate" In Ultimate Frisbee!

Quite frankly, anyone who partakes in a sport called "Ultimate Frisbee" completely deserves this kind of punishment!

"From the family photo album."

This strikes me as one of those photos that you absolutely know was followed by the sound of crying. You can already hear the whining, drawn-out cries of, "Mom!"


It will be a long time before this kid plays Jenga so poorly again! Nothing reminds you of the importance of winning quite like being crushed under a toppling tower of giant Jenga!

"Seconds before disaster."

Now, I know that some people can get a little antsy when people don't wear a helmet while riding a bike, but I am furious that he is riding with no shoes on!

"Took 2 months to receive this mushroom grow kit due to a misplaced package slip. It arrived like this."

I hope that the person who ordered it at least gave the mushroom growing kit a good review, because it definitely works!

Bless You!

I feel like this is how a toddler would pronounce the word marshmallow if they coughed and sneezed while saying it. And don't ask me why.

"Newly wedded in front of their burning car."

I guess that Herbie really didn't approve of this wedding! It's not shown in the movies but Herbie was wildly opposed to the institution of marriage — little known fact for you there.