
Quotes For When You Have No Good Selfie Angle

All my life, I've driven my parents nuts over my refusal to be in photos. I'm just not comfortable posing and smiling and I always feel so stiff and awkward.

I'll usually give into a few group pics at a family event, but otherwise refuse to play along with that nonsense.

It's even worse on trips, where I'm trying to take photos of the cool places I'm seeing and they're complaining that I'm not in any of them.

Because, yeah... that's the point.

The need to prove you were where you were has always sort of baffled me. I took the picture, it's beautiful and helps me remember what it was like being there.

The rising popularity of selfies and front-facing cameras are both a help and a hindrance.

It's a bit easier for me to feel comfortable snapping a pic of myself than it is to pose nicely while trusting someone three feet away to get my good side.

I take a selfie and then go back to snapping the other photos I prefer.

Doing it more has allowed me to get a bit more comfortable with seeing myself in a photo too.

Additionally, the older I get, the less I care about how I look in said photo.

I still hate how awkward and stiff I look in posed group photos, but selfie chin doesn't really phase me much anymore.

It's hard to fixate on that one skin blemish when your whole face is tired and aging.

Not in a bad way. I just mean that when you've reached a point where everything is an expected level of imperfect, that zit pales in comparison to the neck wrinkles.

And there's something kind of liberating in that.

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