
9+ People Who Confused Us With Their Age

Have you ever met someone who seems to be ageless? For example, one person can look like a perpetual teenager even when they're 40 while another person, who's very young, can already look like they're middle-aged.

I'm terrible at telling people's ages to begin with so when that happens, I'm totally clueless. Ha, ha! These folks are a conundrum when it comes to this problem.

From young to old in about 30 seconds. LOL!

Reddit | lukemoyerphotography

Oh wow, what a difference a few shots can make, right? It's like she aged in mere moments here. I hope for her sake, she didn't get to see this picture.

This kid, who clearly likes to play baseball, looks more like a 37-year-old man. Ha, ha!

Reddit | 4tticSalt

I dunno if it's just the glasses or the sepia tone that's making him look much older. I hope he got it sorted at some point.

This lady who looks like she's getting one of those 50-year-old glamour shots.

Reddit | SarahEH

But, if you can believe it, she's actually just 16 in this shot. I know. I was pretty shocked, too. This is what happens when you watch Miss America pageants too much.

How old do you think this lady looks here?

Reddit | of_trebon

I'm sure she doesn't look 13. She herself admitted to looking like a 50-year-old mom getting ready to go to church on a Sunday. Ha, ha! A little harsh but okay.

This lady definitely has a good sense of humor when it comes to looking at this picture of herself.

Reddit | LorahTink

She thinks she's looking more like a 40-year-old Russian housewife named Valenka. But in fact, she's only 14 in the photo here.

How old would you say this guy looks?


I would give him about 17. Well, apparently that's what he thinks, too. He says he hasn't aged since he was a teen. He's now actually 27 but who's counting, right? Ha, ha!

This 30-year-old mama always gets the same comments from people.


Her son is eight years old and some folks actually think that they go to the same school. Wow! I gotta say that must get tiring after a while, huh?

If you thought this lady was about 15, I wouldn't blame you.


She's actually 22 but she gets that from people all the time. In fact, her younger sister is 13 and everybody thinks they're the same age. Those are some great genes they've got.

When your face says 13 months but your ID says 30 years old. Ha, ha!

Reddit | antoniabegonia

I dunno if this guy is happy or sad about this. But at least it'll take him a long time before he looks 30. Am I right?

This family photo is throwing me for a loop here.


At first, I totally thought this was their kid's graduation. But now I read that this lady in the middle is 30 years old! What? LOL! I definitely got fooled indeed.

This lady pretty much has the best mix of being young and old at the same time.

Reddit | fiendishthingysaurus

If you cover her gray hair with your hand she looks 20. Then when you uncover it she looks around 50. Either way, she's beautiful so good for her.

This 30-year-old mom with her 13-year-old daughter.

Reddit | somethingsgood

Can you guess which one is which? Oh, my. I gotta say this one is a stunner. I want to say the one sitting is the mom and the one standing is the daughter.

How old do you think this guy is?

Reddit | Kablouie

Would you believe that he just turned 38? Whoa! Apparently, when he tells people this nobody actually believes him. I can see that. He looks more like he's a 16-year-old. Haha.

When it comes to certain features, like facial hair, it can really throw you off.

Reddit | youpoiyou

Case in point with this man. His eyes look like he's a 15-year-old girl and his chin looks like he's a 30-year-old man. Haha.

Who am I looking at here?

Reddit | rlcute

Is this a 30-year-old woman or a 16-year-old activist? What do you think? I gotta admit I'm on the fence here. LOL. This one is throwing me for a loop indeed.

If this is how you looked in the '80s, I feel for you.

Reddit | pearsmir13

Sadly, I think I had a similar perm in high school. Is this a middle-aged woman or just a kid in 8th grade? If you guessed the latter, you are correct.

Isn't it funny that when you're young a short haircut can actually age you?


But when you're older it's the opposite that tends to happen. In this case, this girl is already rocking that middle-age mom look at 15.

Oh my goodness, how can this kid already be a chef?

Reddit | Miss_Lovett

Is that what you were thinking of when you saw this picture? I bet that's what he always gets. It must be hard to look this young, huh?

OMG, if it weren't for the beard this guy would not look his age.

Reddit | Infamousmilk

I mean, just do this, I dare you. Cover the beard he's a 12-year-old schoolboy. Then cover the eyes and now he's a 38-year-old lumberjack. Haha.

Unfortunately, there's a downside to looking perpetually young.

Reddit | NoahGosh

People might only think of you as a punk. And that can be problematic when you're actually a 26-year-old man. Holy crap! I totally thought this was just a kid. Wow.

Here's literally an opposite case.

Reddit | barnabe_a_abobora

When I first saw this picture I thought this was a grown man. Turns out this is actually a 15-year-old kid. Can you believe it? I mean, how? Just how does that even happen?

How do you like this transformation?

Reddit | clinton_br

This girl who I'm pretty sure is about 13 now looks so mature, doesn't she? I would say she looks about 30 with her new hairdo. If that's what she was going for, then good for her.

Like I said earlier, I'm terrible at telling people's ages. So these photos were such a trip for me.

What about you? Did you have a hard time believing your eyes here? Or was this just too easy for you?