Reddit | kimbaptime

15+ Everyday Things That Look A Whole Lot Like Something Else

Even if you aren't familiar with the term pareidolia, you've probably experienced some examples of it by now.

In my case, I couldn't help but notice as a kid that some of the cars that passed by while I was waiting for the bus looked a lot happier than others. The more rounded their headlights were, the more they seemed like they were smiling with their eyes.

And once you start to notice faces in a context like this, chances are good that you'll start to notice them in other places as well.

And as we're about to see, that doesn't quite scratch the surface of what else the things we commonly see can look like to us.

Someone had so much fun with this Frisbee that it looks like it had a little too much fun itself.

Reddit | WithoutACrown

The way that these tears have given it what seems like a wavy mouth and a half-open eye seems like a textbook example on how to draw drunkenness.

So many artists have been inspired by nature, but it's hard not to see this as the reverse.

Reddit | LibraryGeist

There's no way that I'm the only one who looks at this leaf and sees the Mona Lisa in it. She may not have a face in this version, but the outline and colors are certainly there.

At first glance, I'm sure a lot of us see a small bird standing around in this grass.

Reddit | sarsina

However, what we're actually looking at is a leaf that just happened to crumple into the right shape to look like a happy little creature.

When the uploader broke this piece of wood, the way that it splintered seemed oddly familiar.

Reddit | lotsofsauces

Given the differences in height and the way they seem to surround the center of this area, it looks like this person made themselves a tiny model of a bustling metropolis without even realizing it.

I wonder if this person hesitated a little before throwing this log on the fire.

Reddit | KittenPunkGamer

After all, not only does it seem to have a face on it, but it also looks like a big, friendly whale.

Sure, it doesn't actually have any personality, but knowing that and feeling it are very different things.

Renovations are always pretty hard work, but this seems like it was just as grueling for the house as it was for the owners.

Reddit | Some_Dude_Ehhh

Not only does this tap look like it has a face in it, but that face looks exhausted, to say the least.

Trees can sense what's going on around them better than we might realize, but they still don't usually listen this hard.

Reddit | whydidIbreathe

I don't know about you, but I can't see this big growth as anything but a giant ear.

It's unclear what exactly is cooking in this microwave, but there's also some debate as to what it looks like.

Reddit | VelThunder

For some, a curious owl is peeking back at them from behind this door. For others, a little fox is slyly winking instead.

What's sitting on this plate may look good enough to eat, but it's important to know that you can't.

Reddit | EvenResource

Sure, part of that is because it's just a picture, but the real kicker is that what we're seeing here is actually a rock.

Some may not see much of anything in these rocks, but others see a very old friend chowing down.

Reddit | djdonom

By that, I mean that this formation of rocks kind of looks like a dinosaur. I guess that leaves what the other rock is supposed to be up to our interpretation.

Maybe it's just because my deodorant sticks tend to fall out after I use them for long enough, but I've never seen one break up like this.

Reddit | NO-U-NO-U-NO-U

It's unclear how that even happened, but it definitely looks like the kind of icy mountain range that's probably been used to advertise one of these products.

Not only do these two circles with stars in them seem like big eyes, but they looked like someone's eyes in particular.

Reddit | inkotast

Thanks to that green coloration and the way the parasol has folded to look like a perplexed mouth, this definitely looks like Kermit the Frog after something has mildly upset him.

It looks like this fan feels the same way about us that I feel about it when the weather gets unbearably hot.

Reddit | DestroyermattUK

I suppose the only difference is that it seems to have a lot more energy in expressing its joy than I can work up during a particularly humid day.

If it weren't for the ways it was painted, this trash can probably wouldn't remind us of anything.

Reddit | nekochanwich

But the way that its black top and metallic "casing" comes together in this shaft shape definitely makes it look like we're throwing garbage into a giant bullet.

I can definitely see how this wouldn't have come up while it was being designed, but there's definitely something eye-catching about this shower curtain.

Reddit | ExcitedTeacup

Rather than the little flourishes that were likely intended, this really seems like a demon face is staring at us in shock.

Is my use of the toilet really that surprising, demon?

At first, it can be a little hard to tell what's supposed to look different about this picture.

Reddit | kimbaptime

After all, that woman in the foreground doesn't look like anyone else but herself. That one tree in the background to the right of her, however, looks like it wants to pose for the photo as well.

This bizarre scene is the result of somebody making an interesting discovery.

Reddit | emberparks

Namely, that if you cut up and cook a lotus root, you'll end up with a bunch of alien faces staring up from the pan at you.

I wonder if this is where someone got the inspiration to draw extraterrestrials like this?

This looks so much like a dragon that I wouldn't blame you for thinking it was a sculpture, but it seems that this just occurred naturally.

Reddit | brotherbabbo

Not only does it have the angry eyes and the horns, but there even seems to be a nostril on the side of its nose like we're used to seeing in depictions of dragons.

What a crazy coincidence.

Much like the dragon tree before, I can't imagine a way that this tortilla could look any more like a dog.

Reddit | Zykium

Not only does it have the face shape and the nose down, but it's even folded to make the "dog" look like it has big, floppy ears.


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