23 Pics That Made Me A Bit Uncomfortable

EEEeehhh...Hmmm...Well, I don't...Riiiiiiight...I hope that never happens again...Ummm...Ick...Yikes...No thanks...It's just wrong...

Chances are the next 23 pics will make you think all of the above, so let's get started!

1. This is not a family-friendly establishment...

Reddit | Ahseyo

2. My childhood just got a lot darker...

Twitter | @Nickksun

3. He's always watching

Reddit | Arigol

4. Reaching across time and space

Reddit | KingAstros

5. No shirt, no service!

Reddit | illogical_newt

6. Some things are not meant to be googled 

Twitter | @DanaSchwartzzz

7. So classy 

Reddit | [deleted]

8. I hope I never see this again

Reddit | Chocolate1ce

9. So wrong 

Reddit | Cloudface_

10. It's not as bad as seeing the actual PDA, but I'm still weirded out

Instagram | @kalesalad

11. An unforgivable act

Twitter | @yvezayntIaurent

12. Mom certainly has quite the imagination 

Twitter | @_AmberXoXoX

13. My reality is falling apart!

Imgur | Imgur

14. Looks like this isn't going to stop anytime soon

Twitter | @_AmberXoXoX

15. Yes, there's such a thing as taking too much of an interest 

Instagram | @gods.pen.is

16. Euuuughhh!

Reddit | DuchessSandwich

17. Someone has quite the imagination

Instagram | @official.agnew

18. I can't deal with this. Look at the kid on the bottom right!

Instagram | @gods.pen.is

19. Can you stop staring?

Reddit | mRNA28

20. Just imagine the sensation 

Reddit | mcjacver

21. But why, though?

Reddit | iminmycarrightnow

22. This is just disturbing

Twitter | @samidot

23. Who even has three hands?!

Reddit | Ratedfreak
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