Reddit | MissFlowerFox

12+ Cute Pics Of Baby Animals To Make Us All A Bit Happier Today

I sat down today, took a glance at the current news and social media feeds and said, "Nope. I'm going to look at baby animals instead."

This, my friends, is how we practice self-care.

1705 Grams Of Cuteness

Reddit | CJ105

I'm not sure if the bowl is included in the calculation of this baby orangutan's weight, but I would assume it was accounted for. Either way, it's so tiny!

Baby Camels Look Like Cartoons

Reddit | penny__wise

If you told me it has little furry wheels for legs, I'd believe you.

Apparently, baby camels have short lil' legs. So the fur and skin just pools cutely until the baby grows into it.

Not One, But Many Baby Goats

Hopping. In sweaters. You're welcome.

Seriously, I want this gif on a loop included with every news story from now on.

Go, Tiny Turtle!

Reddit | khakipantsandcoffee

Grow, prosper, and become the grumpy dinosaur we know you have deep inside of you.

Work It, Piglet!

Or perhaps I should say, "twerk it".

I think it's actually rubbing against the table leg, but it's still adorable.

O Hai, Human!

Reddit | goliath1621

You cannot say "no" to those eyes. Holding a cookie, a hot dog, your credit card? Too bad, it belongs to this cutie now.

This Tiny Octopus Is Motoring

Look at it go!

I'm in the camp that finds octopuses fascinating but also kind of terrifying. This is adorable, though.

Tongue For Days


If you thought anteaters might need to grow into their impressive tongues, you'd be wrong.

What Makes A Baby Wombat Cuter? Swaddling.

Reddit | MissFlowerFox

This sleepy dude is so zen. It makes me want to snuggle up in a cozy blanket and nap.

Look At This Pink Bean.

Reddit | kayleighk94

People's opinions on whether or not rats are cute may be divided, but this baby is adorable. Look at those widdle whiskers.

Mooove Over Other Cuties.

I went through a phase where cows were my animal. I still love them and think they're adorable, but I can only receive so many cow-print novelty gifts from well-meaning coworkers before you stop admitting to such a love.


Reddit | Kdube97

It's hard to tell what kind of bird that is from the pic, but it's a baby turkey.

Yes, that little cutie will grow up to be a terrifying monster bird.

Om Nom Tail.

And thus, a life-long obsession with chasing it was born.

And a life-long obsession with how cute and funny it is when the kitty does so.

Cuddle Time!

This is why puppies get away with absolutely anything. Is every left shoe you own chewed to bits? Yep, but look at that face!

"My Corn."

Reddit | blessedguy146

That's a lot of corn for one little bunny, but I wouldn't risk trying to take the cob away. It could turn into a Monty Python sketch.

I See Your Bunny And Raise You Seven More.

Reddit | KTMman200

Admittedly, I couldn't decide between the first bunny and this entire bundle. This is my list, so I can have both.

Baby Pandas Are In Their Own League

I mean, half of you were probably wondering how I could possibly have made this entire list without including one.

You're right. So I did.

Baby Trash Pandas Are Cute Too!

Reddit | [deleted]

Admittedly, the human-like hands are still kind of weirding me out, but it's so tiny and brown. Not a hint of the garbage bandit it could grow up to be.

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