
Quotes For When You're Tootin' Around Town

I don't care if you're an eight-year-old boy or an 80-year-old grandma, toots are funny.

Are there places where letting one rip is less polite? Sure, maybe don't pass a stinker in an elevator or during a meeting in a poorly ventilated conference room, but the weird stigma around farts is a bit much.

Yes, there is the smell issue.


The distinct aroma is different for every person and some people are just more potent than others.

Everyone should avoid tooting in an enclosed area after spicy food, though.

When people make baseball metaphors for relationships, this is the real home base.


A lot of the fart-related humor on the internet is Minion-related, I'm discovering.

Passing gas is 100% natural and human.


So the next time your diet fad-obsessed friend wrinkles their nose at your toot, remind them that farts are organic.

When in doubt, laugh it off.


Yes, farting loudly in public can be embarrassing, especially when you're around people less enlightened about the wonder that is a good toot. So lean into it, tell a joke, and don't let them bring you down.

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