
Quotes That Are Painfully True

The phrase "The truth hurts" exists for a reason. A lot of the time, what is true is often not what people want to hear. For instance, I didn't want to acknowledge that the truth that Lana Del Rey will never knock at my door holding a large pepperoni pizza and confess her undying love for me, and nor will I age like a fine wine like Peter Capaldi.

And, in the spirit of these kinds of brutal realities, here are some hilarious quotes that are painfully true. Get ready for some truth nuggets right in the face!

Yawning Is So Chic

Pinterest | Entity

No matter how much I moisturize, I can never seem to shake the "windswept and knackered" look that I have inadvertently cultivated.

Let Its Light Shine Upon You


Regardless of how bad your day was, your fridge will never let you down... unless of course, you forgot to go shopping again because you're terrible at adulting! Come on, get a grip already!