16 Of The Funniest Christmas Photos Because 'Tis The Season

Christmas is the most wonderful time of year for various reasons. There is holiday cheer throughout our cities and towns, people giving (and receiving) presents, hot cocoa, and well-decorated Christmas trees. But, one of the best parts of the season is hilarious photos, amirite?

Isn't it great that these last a lifetime?!

1. That little man on the right literally has his fists up prepared to fight to get away from Santa Claus.

Instagram | @derekmathernetattoo

Hey, can't blame him. Santa can be no less than terrifying — especially as a toddler.

2. Well, one of these doggos and that cat are sure not in the spirit this year. How rude! One is being a super good boy, though.

Instagram | @fimorley5

I'm the golden doggo running away, probably distracted by a squirrel or something.

3. There is a lot going on in this photo and I have a ton of unanswered questions.

Awkward Family Photos | Awkward Family Photos

What is Santa doing in this photo? Yawning? Screaming like a chimpanzee? Calling out for help because he doesn't like children?

4. OMG! I know I'll never have a fam this big, but I would so do this if I did.

365 Greetings | 365 Greetings

I mean, it might be embarrassing for all involved, but it also happens to be super cute. 12/10.

5. Can someone please tell me what in the world is going on here? Oh, and that fake background...

Bobbie Photo | Bobbie Photo

I can only hope they're recreating some childhood photo or something because honestly, this one's a bit beyond awkward.

6. This little one's definitely not impressed with 'ol Saint Nick, now is she? Looks like she's plotting something! 

Instagram | @justplainmomish

You can almost see her contemplating whether presents this year are worth putting up with this photoshoot.

7. Girl, sometime in-between college and legitimate adulthood, socks are going to be such a great gift. 

Awkward Family Photos | Awkward Family Photos

But right now they're the actual worst, aren't they? Here's to wishing we were all that happy little cutie with the stuffed dog...

8. Don't know when this photo was taken, but it looks like a true embodiment of the '90s and not Christmas-y at all.

Runt of the Web | Runt of the Web

Like, if it weren't for the tree you can barely see in the background, this would just be a photoshoot from Grease.

9. Grandma has never looked better than she does with this strange contraption, er, I mean hat.

Runt of the Web | Runt of the Web

She doesn't look particularly thrilled with it though, does she? Still she looks like an absolute queen. Rock on, grandma.

10. This could be the funniest, most gloriously festive photo I have ever seen. Like, ever. 

Instagram | @valerietylerphotography

"Mom, are we done? Can you take this stupid hat off of me now? Honestly it's really degrading and I'm done wearing it."

11. Real question, did this fam take a bad portrait on purpose? Or did this really, actually happen? 

Imgur | Imgur

I would still send this as my Christmas card though. Like, no question, this one is a personality pic if I've ever seen one.

12. One person in this fam is super into being, well, clear and upfront about what he bought for Christmas.

Reddit | JetFalco

Assuming this is the dad, or an older brother, because this screams humorous male satire, doesn't it? Upon further investigation, it's clear this was an Uncle.

13. Imagine Dad showing this to your partner in the future and having to explain this. Yikes!

Reddit | stopscopiesme

"Dad, put a shirt on! Jeez!" probably what that baby is thinking, am I right? LOOK AT THAT FACE.

14. Looks like a festive version of that horror movie Human Centipede. 

Reddit | spurscar

Human Santapede? Yeah, I can't decide if this one is hilarious or cringe-worthy. I'm going to go with the latter and scroll down now.

15. Whatever that little girl is sobbing about is beyond comprehension for that even littler girl.

Instagram | @ashlepage

First of all, what a cute baby. Second, can we take a minute to appreciate her perfect facial expression?

16. Can someone tell me his reasoning for a) wearing that particular sweater, and b) holding a baby doll?

Smosh | Smosh

That bulldog could not be less enthusiastic to be there, but it's still the star of this funny pic.

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