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A Rescue Worried That A Tiny Owl Was Injured, But She Was Just Too Fat To Fly

The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary in the UK has plenty of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured owls found in the wild, but occasionally they find a funny surprise.

Their latest was so #relateable that it quickly went viral.

I mean, tiny owls are cute enough to go viral all on their own, but the sanctuary didn't realize that this particular one was special.

In fact, when they found the soggy little owl in a ditch, they waited weeks to share her with the world.

You see, the little owl wasn't injured at all. She was just too fat to fly.

Suffolk Owl Sanctuary

Maybe they thought that meant people wouldn't be that interested in her. An owl that needs to slim down after ballooning by a third of her proper body weight is less dramatic than surgery or rehab.

They were very, very wrong, and realized their mistake when they shared her story after she'd lost her extra weight.

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Come on, people! It's January! Of course the world wants to commiserate with a cute owl who clearly overindulged over the holiday season.

Little Plump — great naming, though! — could have been the "new year, new you" mascot we all needed to actually walk through the doors of our local gym.

*Alas*, it was not to be, but we did get to see a slimmed-down Plump released back into the wild.

At first, they thought that she had escaped from a local aviary, since natural obesity is rare, but it seems that she simply overindulged when an unusually mild December resulted in a buffet of field mice and insects.

Hopefully, she's learned her lesson and will control her portion sizes from here on out.

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