
8+ Things That Happen In Movies But Never In Real Life

The other day there was a Reddit thread where they asked the question: "What movie things are generally accepted as normal, but are totally unrealistic in real life?"

We took the time to curate some of the best answers that'll make you think: "yeah, you know what? That is pretty weird!"

1. Bad Guys, Bad Shots


At least the general goon bad guy could never hit a shot. The best example of this are Stormtroopers, but this trope has been around for a while.

Do they not have training?

3. Walking Away From An Explosion

Dimension Films

In reality, this would probably suck a whole bunch.

If you didn't get knocked over by the blast, then your ears would be ringing from the explosion... and what about debris?

4. Waiting Their Turn

Legendary Entertainment

This one has always irked me personally.

When a bunch of bad guys attacks the good guy, they all attack one by one, letting the hero just beat them all up.

Come on goons!


Use your strength! Attack him all at once!

We know you want to see the hero's super sweet martial arts moves as much as the rest of us, but you have a job to do!

5. Looking At Each Other While Driving


Who the heck does this? If you're looking at your passenger while you're driving, especially in high octane situations, then you need to get off the road right now!

I don't care if you're a super-spy!

6. Clean Vents

20th Century Fox

Here's a question: have you ever cleaned a vent? I certainly haven't, so why are all the vents in movies so darn clean?

Who is cleaning these vents in the movie world?

7. Grenades


Grenades don't explode like they do in the movies. In actuality, it's just a puff of smoke and then shrapnel flies everywhere, shredding everything in their path.

Much, much more gruesome.

8. The Glasses Trope

Original Film

This is a cliche as old as dirt. There is a really nerdy, undesirable girl that all the boys in school don't want until she takes off her glasses.

And suddenly she's the Belle of The Ball.

9. Perfectly Talking

Imagine Entertainment

Sure, we think it's weird how people don't say "uh" or "you know" in any of their sentences in movies, but there's a reason that isn't done.

Even though it sounds natural...

It's also kind of annoying when you're trying to see a story play out.

Paramount Animation

Dialogue should always be important to the story, and so writes don't waste time trying to make it more "real".

11. Cutting Your Hand

New Line Cinema

You know in certain movies, where they have to do a ritual or something, they cut across their hand and let the blood drip down over the ancient idol/sacrifice/buttered toast?

Yeah, believe it or not that would be a bad idea.


I know, sounds weird, but apparently, according to the Reddit thread we linked you to above, that kind of wound would take a while to heal.

It would also make you lose the use of the hand.

10. Immediately Finding A Parking Spot

Columbia Pictures

Notice how in movies they never have to look around for a parking spot unless it is part of the joke?

Or maybe just to get a character incredibly frustrated which would definitely lead to more comedy.

2. The Grand Gesture

Gracie Films

Imagine you turned someone down or broke up with them, and the next day they showed up at your house screaming your name and blasting a boom box.

You'd be pissed!