
CDC Warns That Puppies Might Be Making People Sick

Dog lovers of the world, y'all better listen up because I've got some devastating news to tell you.

You know those sweet, wonderful, furry puppies you like to pick up and cuddle and give all your love to? Well, as it turns out, there's a pretty nasty illness spreading its way across the country right now, and puppies just might be the ones passing it along to people.

Yeah, apparently this is the kind of news we're going to end 2019 with.

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it is investigating an outbreak of *Campylobacter jejuni*.

If you've never heard of it before, Campylobacter is an unpleasant bacteria that can cause diarrhea. Make that bloody diarrhea. It can also cause fever and stomach cramps that usually last around a week.

Oh, and according to the CDC, puppies, particularly ones from the pet store, are responsible for spreading it.

A total of 30 people from 13 states have reportedly gotten sick with some strain of the *Campylobacter* bacteria.

Unsplash | Berkay Gumustekin

Of those 30, 24 were interviewed by the CDC and 21 remebered visiting and touching pet store puppies before their yucky symptoms began.

Five of those people were actually pet store employees.

Perhaps most damning is the fact that this specific strain of the bacteria found in patients is genetically similar to a strain that sickened 113 people between 2016 and 2018.

That case was also caused by pet store puppies. And if that wasn't troubling enough, both strains have proven to be resistant to antibiotics.

But only those with weakened immune symptoms typically require antibiotics to treat the disease.

So what can you do to make sure you stay safe and bacteria-free?

Well, as outlined in a report from the CDC, anyone who deals handles dogs are encouraged to thoroughly wash their hands afterwards. And, new dog owners should schedule vet appointments for checkups within a few days of bringing their new puppy home, just to make sure everything's O.K. with the latest addition to their family.

Dogs infected with Campylobacter show signs similar to humans, so if you notice any of the outlined symptoms, you should take your pup to the vet ASAP.

Oh, and the CDC also discourages people from letting dogs lick their faces. I know, I know, this is a tough one to follow, but think of your health and try your best to resist the cuteness!

h/t: CDC

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