Vegan Ultimatum: Cook Separate Meals or Else! 🥘😠

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🌿 Hey there, Facebook fam! 👋 Get ready for a tasty tale of dietary dilemmas and family feuds! 🍽️ I've been a lifelong vegan, and now I'm cooking for my boyfriend and his 6-year-old kid. 👨‍👦 It's been smooth sailing so far, but lately, my BF's been craving some non-vegan eats! 🥛🧈 I'm trying to keep the peace, but things are getting heated in the kitchen! 🔥 Let's dive into this sizzling story and see if I'm the one stirring the pot! 🥘😅

🥗 Vegan Dilemma: Cooking for My BF & His Kid! 🍳

pdknto | pdknto

🕰️ Dinnertime Duties: I'm the Chef! 👩‍🍳

pdknto | pdknto

🌿 Lifelong Vegan: It's All I Know! 🥦

pdknto | pdknto

🍔 Kid's Choice: Skipping Meat! 🚫🥩

pdknto | pdknto

🥛 BF's Request: Cow's Milk & Butter, Please! 🐄

pdknto | pdknto

🥔 Mashed Potato Mayhem: Two Versions?! 😱

pdknto | pdknto

🙅‍♀️ My Stance: No Way, José! 🚫

pdknto | pdknto

🩺 Health Concerns: Does the Kid Need Calcium? 🦴

pdknto | pdknto

🛒 Compromise: I'll Buy, You Cook! 🍳

pdknto | pdknto

😣 Hangry Hubby: Starving After Work! 🍽️

pdknto | pdknto

🤔 AITA for Sticking to My Vegan Guns? 🥗

pdknto | pdknto

🍳 Vegan Chef vs. Hungry BF: Who's the Real A-hole? 🤔

😅 Well, well, well... looks like this vegan chef is in a bit of a pickle! 🥒 I've been whipping up plant-based perfection for my BF and his kid, but now he's craving some moo juice and butter! 🐄🧈 I offered to buy him the goods, but I ain't cooking two meals! 🙅‍♀️ He's worried about the kid's calcium intake, but the doc says they're A-OK! 👌 Now, he's complaining about being hangry after work and missing out on family dinners! 😩 I'm sticking to my guns, but am I being a total a-hole? 🤔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this sizzling situation! 🔥

Respect the cook's boundaries when it comes to veganism 🌱

Nikotheis | Nikotheis

Partner demands separate meals due to veganism. NTA suggests compromise.

RO489 | RO489

Partner wants special treatment, parent them instead. NTA 👍

Hippocr1t | Hippocr1t

NTA takes a stand for personal responsibility 💪

ZealousLez852 | ZealousLez852

Partner knew about veganism, NTA. Meal prep suggestions.

noseandtoes | noseandtoes

Vegan defends plant-based calcium sources amid milk controversy 🌱

cigarjack | cigarjack

Cooking meat goes against my morals. NTA. 🌱

not_cinderella | not_cinderella

NTA for not cooking separate meals; seeking vegan recipes 🌱

Chocolate_Wonderful | Chocolate_Wonderful

Keep on cooking vegan! NTA for providing nutritional meals 🌱

blackholeofyoutube | blackholeofyoutube

Respectful vegan cooks dinner for partner, draws boundaries. 🙌

wahahahaahahah | wahahahaahahah

Don't budge your boundaries for pushy calcium-deficient vegan 🌱

trans_mask | trans_mask

Stand your ground! 🙅‍♀️ NTA, he's being a choosing beggar.

BJntheRV | BJntheRV

NTA for refusing to cook twice and suggesting living apart 🙌

Silmariel | Silmariel

Veganism is a valid choice and accommodating it is reasonable 💚

1finewire5 | 1finewire5

Make your own meals! 🍲 NTA has spoken. 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

Accommodate your family, it's a two way street 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cook what you want, it's your kitchen! 👩‍🍳

[deleted] | [deleted]

Needy men aren't sexy, meal prep or granola bar 🍴

ScubaCC | ScubaCC

No nutritional justification for cow's milk. Cook on days off. 💪

LalaLogical | LalaLogical

OP's partner might not need a nutritionist, but a dietician 👩‍⚕️


No vegan ultimatum. NTA for refusing to cook two meals.

dumbass-dragonborn | dumbass-dragonborn

Engaging reply suggesting compromise for vegan ultimatum 👍

sirwhitsalot | sirwhitsalot

Veganism and taste preferences collide over mashed potatoes 🤪

smithedfire | smithedfire

Meal prep is the way to go! 🍴👨‍🍳

socku14 | socku14

Considerate solution for accommodating vegan/veg friends. 🥑

Maykitsune | Maykitsune

Compromise suggestions for cooking separate vegan meals. 😊

woaily | woaily

Kid enjoys vegan food and dad can cook his own. NTA 👍

InternationalDivide0 | InternationalDivide0

Vegan demands separate meals, commenter suggests avoiding animal products 🌱

IcicleKun | IcicleKun

Standing up for your beliefs and boundaries is not selfish. 👊

ThereIsBearCum | ThereIsBearCum

Cooking non-vegan food for others is not necessary, NTA.

MissCheyenne14 | MissCheyenne14

NTA. Boyfriend needs to learn to cook vegan meals. 👨‍🍳🌱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Partner knew about veganism, NTA suggests compromise for mealtime harmony.

Jappie_nl | Jappie_nl

NTA suggests meal prep for non-vegan meals 🍲

PessimisticCupcake | PessimisticCupcake

Vegan ultimatum defied with delicious and healthy home cooking. NTA.

Unfriendly-Lime | Unfriendly-Lime

Cooking vegan is fine if kid is healthy 👍

drowninglily | drowninglily

Vegan host won't tolerate non-vegan food in their house. 😍

SheElfy | SheElfy

Being NTA, accommodating veganism is easier than opposite. Good point.

red-raven1 | red-raven1

No need to cook separate meals, prep in advance 🍴

steeke82 | steeke82

NTA, but compromising with family is important for kindness 🙏

Aish-sugar | Aish-sugar

Vegan parent sets boundaries, teens learn to cook. NTA 👍

naliedel | naliedel

Non-vegan commenter supports compromise but boyfriend is crossing boundaries 👍

salemonadetea | salemonadetea

Supporting a vegan partner's dietary choices is reasonable. NTA.

dylanredefined1 | dylanredefined1

Refusing to cook non-vegan food. NTA. Cook or starve.

Waintti | Waintti

Partner with dietary restrictions cooks own food. NTA.

Ringo1664 | Ringo1664

Cooking acceptable food, not perfect food, for dinner. #NTA

CanadianKatfish | CanadianKatfish

NTA stands up for herself and suggests letting bf starve 😂

CAgirl17 | CAgirl17

Meal prepping can solve the issue. Don't be a**hole dad. 😊

Big_Tap1859 | Big_Tap1859

Separate pans & utensils needed to avoid cross-contamination, NTA! 🥳

spookybatshoes | spookybatshoes

Cook for yourself or eat what's served. 👨‍🍳

O2B1AndNot2 | O2B1AndNot2

NTA, but vegan mash is not as good, try mixing butter.

trout227 | trout227

BF wants separate meals, blames child's well-being. NTA response.

SG131 | SG131

Maintaining a relationship with opposite diets is challenging. Hold firm.

bluebomb191 | bluebomb191

Stick to your guns 👊, he can meal prep on his own time 🍟.


Support for non-vegan food and sarcasm towards veganism.

likeseahorsesandshit | likeseahorsesandshit

Offering a solution while praising OP's effort with 🧀 humor.

TimelessMeow | TimelessMeow

Cook what you're comfortable with. 👨‍🍳

FanofNumbers | FanofNumbers

Respectful non-vegan praises accommodating vegan partner. #relationshipgoals 💖🌱

Helionne | Helionne

Compromise or manipulation? NTA suggests milk alternative for child's health.

Consistent_Language9 | Consistent_Language9

Omni husband has no beef with vegan ultimatum. 🌱

iluvstephenhawking | iluvstephenhawking

"Just some info if you need to defend calcium in non dairy sources." 👍

thinkingaboutnothing | thinkingaboutnothing

Boyfriend's entitled demand for non-vegan meals backfires. NTA wins!

PresenceGlad | PresenceGlad

NTA stands up for vegans in a meat-eating household 🌱

raduubraduu | raduubraduu

Dad can cook for himself 🍳 and stop being a drama queen 👑

Dachshundmom5 | Dachshundmom5

Cook decides menu, father should help cook for his child. NTA 👍

velour_manure | velour_manure

NTA, let him add butter to his mashed potatoes 👌

soph_lurk_2018 | soph_lurk_2018

Batch cook on day off instead of non-vegan ultimatum. NTA.

Meghanshadow | Meghanshadow

NTA suggests making separate meals for ungrateful partner. 👏

ebwoods1 | ebwoods1

NTA wins over picky eater in meal prep dispute. 👏

jennifern1325 | jennifern1325

Being a responsible vegan doesn't mean cooking non-vegan meals 🌱

Ak40-couchcusion | Ak40-couchcusion

Vegan guest demands non-vegan food, host says no. NTA.

The-Moocat | The-Moocat

NTA shuts down cry-baby boyfriend who won't cook for himself 😂

thehungryhomo | thehungryhomo

Vegan partner wants separate meals, NTA stands their ground 🥔

iluvcats17 | iluvcats17

Plant-based facts! NTA explains milk myth and healthy calcium alternatives.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Misunderstanding about the 6-year-old's coffee request 😂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cooking separate meals? Ain't nobody got time for that! 😂

Jasalth00 | Jasalth00

NTA. Calcium from milk is overrated. Dairy in dinner is pointless.

TouchMyRustySpoon | TouchMyRustySpoon

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