Man Pays $100K/Year For Sister's Twins - GF Claims DISTURBING Paternity Secret 💔

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🔥 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of family drama, financial favors, and a girlfriend green with envy! 😱 When a loving twin bro steps up to help his sis and her kiddos, his new boo Jane is far from thrilled. 😠 As the story unfolds, we'll dive into the scandalous accusations, the big bucks being thrown around, and the tough decisions our main mama has to make. 🤔💸 Get ready for a wild ride filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of family feels! 🎢❤️

👫 Twins Stick Together Through Thick and Thin! 🤗

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🤰 Unexpected Motherhood Derails Plans 😢

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🦸‍♂️ Super Bro to the Rescue! 💪

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🌟 Bro's Booming Biz Brings Blessings 🙏

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💰 Uncle Moneybags Spoils the Kiddos 🎁

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💸 Bro's Big Bucks: 100K on the Kids! 😲

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😠 Jealous Jane Joins the Scene 🙅‍♀️

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🛏️ Sibling Sleepover Scandal! 😱

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🙅‍♂️ Bro Backs Down, But Jane's Still Jaded 😒

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🤬 Vicious Vixen's Vile SM Post! 📱

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❓ AITA for Accepting Bro's Bucks? 💸

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🤔 To Snitch or Not to Snitch on Jane? 🤐

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🚫 Baby Daddy Drama-Free Zone ✌️

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🏡 Crafty Mama's Work-From-Home Hustle 🧶

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🙏 Grateful for Bro's Boost, No Shame in the Game 💯

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😲 No Secrets Here: GF Knew the Deal 🤝

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🤷‍♂️ Bro's Baby-Free Future Plans 👶🚫

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Twin Trouble: Bro's Bae Blows Up Over Kid Cash!

Looks like our crafty mama is in quite the pickle! Her super successful twin bro has been playing Uncle Moneybags for her kiddos, but his green-eyed GF Jane is NOT having it. She's been throwing shade left and right, and even stooped so low as to suggest some seriously icky stuff about the twins' paternity on social media! The internet is dying to know: Is our mama wrong for accepting her bro's generous help? And should she spill the tea to her bro about Jane's vicious post, even if it means the end of their relationship? The stakes are high, and the drama is piping hot! Let's see what the internet jury has to say about this family fiasco!

Supportive reply to a man paying for sister's twins 💰❤️

court_in_the_middle | court_in_the_middle

NTA! Twin loves your kid, GF's incest implications are disgusting 😠

CoconutxKitten | CoconutxKitten

Defending brother's right to support family, urge to inform him.

Adventures_to_Come | Adventures_to_Come

Criticism towards the parent for relying on their brother's income. 🤔

mira_lolo | mira_lolo

GF is an AH for her post, brother and OP both share some blame for the situation. 💰

jasminel96 | jasminel96

Critical commenter calls OP YTA for not understanding sister-in-law's POV

LemonnGANG | LemonnGANG

Sharing a bed with brother and spending $100k, creepy much? 🤪

mandykaz | mandykaz

ESH for insinuating paternity secret and not being self-sufficient 🤷‍♂️

cuntliflower | cuntliflower

Is the sister relying too much on her brother's money? 🤔

LeoSunflower | LeoSunflower

NTA for helping sister, but future partners may be uneasy 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

User questions the relationship with sister's twins and girlfriend

bornabuckeye75 | bornabuckeye75

Being dependent on your brother and messing up his relationship ESH 🤦‍♂️

randomguycommenter | randomguycommenter

A sister's financial help raises questions of paternity and commitment 🤔

kaitou1011 | kaitou1011

ESH for different reasons. Jane sucks a little for the incest comment, brother is an a**hole for not disclosing his situation, and OP should pay for her kids.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Why do people assume incest? OP considers exposing secret 🤔

facialsforwillgraham | facialsforwillgraham

NTA for supporting family, GF TA for social media drama 👍

WalkingToothbrush | WalkingToothbrush

Sibling's $100k/year support raises concerns about financial future. ESH.

Vena_Mala | Vena_Mala

Sibling relies on brother's support, girlfriend causes drama. ESH.

mojogirl_ | mojogirl_

Brother paying $100k/year for sister's twins, but all parties suck.

calm-catfish | calm-catfish

YTA for not improving yourself & relying on your brother's support 👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA brother's caring nature raises concerns about co-dependence. Conversation needed.

elemonated | elemonated

Codependency and financial boundaries. ESH in this situation.

estiface | estiface

Redditor calls out OP as 'YTA', sparking no replies.

Tyrone_Cashmoney | Tyrone_Cashmoney

Getting to the bottom of the family drama 🤔

Curly-Pat | Curly-Pat

Sibling's financial support vs. father's absence: Complicated family dynamics 👉

smelltramo | smelltramo

Stand up for yourself and share the truth 👊

niamhk13 | niamhk13

Harsh judgment towards OP's relationship with brother and dependency. 🤯

Raging_benders | Raging_benders

Sibling's girlfriend causing tension in arrangement to financially support twins. ESH.

Sian_Blue | Sian_Blue

NTA, but significant appreciation needed. Show twin insulting messages.

BokChoyFantasy | BokChoyFantasy

Brutal reply calls out irresponsible sister and warns of consequences 🤪

rapister | rapister

A unique sibling relationship with a complicated paternity secret 🤷‍♂️

skizethelimit | skizethelimit

User expresses concern over dependence on brother, warns of potential consequences. 😐

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling support gone wrong. ESH needs to grow up.

[deleted] | [deleted]

ESH comment suggests emotional incest, but criticizes GF's approach 🤪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Brother pays 100k/year for sister's twins. Commenter calls out leeching.

Cromslor_ | Cromslor_

Straightforward and harsh YTA comment, no replies.

GaimanitePkat | GaimanitePkat

Codependency, incest accusation, and tough love in one ESH comment.

Yserem | Yserem

Sibling dynamic questioned in suspicion of incestuous relationship 🤔

WritPositWrit | WritPositWrit

Advice for a woman to regain her independence and move forward.

bibliobitch | bibliobitch

Parent relies on brother for 100K/year, GF is a**hole 🤬

madamBookworm | madamBookworm

Dating someone who supports a family member is admirable but not for everyone. Open communication is key.

JasmineAndCloves | JasmineAndCloves

NTA defends against toxic and jealous accusations 🙌

KyliaQuilor | KyliaQuilor

Setting boundaries with opposite-sex siblings is important for relationships 🤷‍♀️

April_Spring_1982 | April_Spring_1982

Codependency and financial dependency between twins, a dangerous road. 👍

bolean3d2 | bolean3d2

NTA defends financial arrangement with brother, calls out GF's vile accusation 🤬

travisbickle777 | travisbickle777

NTA defends sibling support, condemns GF's social media behavior. 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

GF accused OP and brother of twincest. SO is the a**hole.

awkwardly_competent | awkwardly_competent

Sibling's financial support is enabling, but OP needs to grow up 💰

jellies56 | jellies56

Sleeping in same bed as brother at 31!!! ESH 😳

Supastar4life | Supastar4life

Sibling's financial support causes tension with girlfriend. NTA/YTA advice.

Weary-Plantain | Weary-Plantain

NTA for accepting brother's help but should work towards independence. GF's comments are unacceptable. 😑


An uncomfortable truth: OP is a leech but GF was out of line.

readytoreloadd | readytoreloadd

Navigating family dynamics and relationships: when is it too much?

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA defends brother's actions and warns of potential consequences ⚠️

StormingBlitz91 | StormingBlitz91

Redditor calls out emotional incest and creepy behavior.

egru-no | egru-no

Don't assume your brother can support the kids forever 😊

ClareSwinn | ClareSwinn

Defending OP against gf's unfounded incest accusations. 🙄

rumble_le_rue | rumble_le_rue

Family financial support and boundaries - honest advice with tact 👍

momof21976 | momof21976

Childfree commenter defends man's choice to support his niece and nephew.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Confusion and disbelief over a man's $100k/year spending on nieces.

flowers4u | flowers4u

Generosity towards family should be celebrated, not criticized. 👏

lululululululu32 | lululululululu32

Discussing long-term plans with brother regarding financial help. 👍

gezeitenspinne | gezeitenspinne

Generosity has limits - Should parents be financially responsible? 🤔

ReoAndis | ReoAndis

Humorous comment referencing Game of Thrones character and paternity

JeffGoldblumsChest | JeffGoldblumsChest

Confused commenter questions trend of suspicious girlfriends 🤔

Keladry145 | Keladry145

Screenshot as leverage? NTA shuts down GF's secret claim.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Clear boundaries set, GF should respect or leave. 👍

2catsaretheminimum | 2catsaretheminimum

Honesty is the best policy. NTA should tell his brother.

PhoenixFlame78 | PhoenixFlame78

Defending the brother's decision to financially support his sister's twins 💰

prettybunbun | prettybunbun

OP is called out for relying on brother's excessive financial support 💰

waitinformyruca | waitinformyruca

NTA. GF accused him of incest and resents his family support.

awekittycat | awekittycat

NTA defends spending money on sister's kids; advises revealing disturbing secret.

sassyourfrass | sassyourfrass

Supportive uncle vs. disturbing secret 🤔 Send the screenshot?

NoeTellusom | NoeTellusom

Sibling bond is unbreakable, NTA. Send it to protect him 👍

AltruisticBox8 | AltruisticBox8

Sibling's unhealthy relationship and girlfriend's disturbing comment. ESH.

tikanique | tikanique

Uncle's choice to pay for sister's twins, defends GF's actions 👍

Tsipouras12 | Tsipouras12

Jealousy and accusations of incest, NTA handles it gracefully.

Dana07620 | Dana07620

GF accuses twin's paternity, NTA defends twin's right to support 👏

yosoysuede | yosoysuede

Sibling solidarity! 🤝 NTA and don't let her gaslight you. 😤

srslykathy | srslykathy

NTA - Expose the toxic and emotionally abusive behavior 👏

VaL14nT | VaL14nT

Live your life, spend your money - NTA 🤑

mathhews95 | mathhews95

Defending a supportive brother against vile accusations from his partner. #FamilyFirst ❤️

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