Wife Expected to Take UBER With Toddlers So Husband Can See Affair Child 🤯

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a wild ride ahead with this one. Imagine being stuck between a rock and a hard place - or in this case, a hurricane 🌪️ and a husband's love child 👶. Our poor protagonist finds herself in quite the predicament after evacuating from Hurricane Ida's wrath with her three kids in tow. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 But wait, there's more! Her husband decides to play the hero 🦸‍♂️ and go back to assess the damages, leaving her stranded with a rental car bill 💸 and a whole lot of drama. 😱 Will she cave to his demands and take an Uber 🚕 with her toddlers just so he can spend more time with his affair child? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🌪️ Evacuating from Hurricane Ida's Wrath

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

🏡 No Power, No Water, No Problem? 🥵

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

🤝 The 3-Day Agreement

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

👶 Baby Mama Drama: Extending the Stay 🗓️

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

💸 Stretching the Budget for Baby Daddy 💰

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

🚗 Car Shortage Conundrum 😕

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

🚕 The Uber Ultimatum 😠

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

📱 FaceTime Fatherhood 👨‍👦

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

🚸 Safety First: Uber with Toddlers? 😨

strange_mountain7007 | strange_mountain7007

Uber Unfair? Wife Refuses Late-Night Ride for Husband's Affair Child Visit

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist is stuck between a rock and a hard place! Her husband wants her to take an Uber late at night in an unfamiliar city with their three young children (two in car seats!) just so he can spend more time with his love child. Talk about priorities! She's already stretched her budget to the max by extending their evacuation stay and renting a car, but apparently, that's not enough for Mr. Baby Daddy. He even dares to call her selfish! Can you believe it? Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild situation...

Don't be naive, he's not staying to see his kid 🤨

PerelandraNative | PerelandraNative

NTA for leaving home with kids. YTA for staying with him. 🤔

Alternative_Rise8563 | Alternative_Rise8563

Financial strain in marriage due to husband's infidelity 💀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Divorce may be the best option for this incompatible couple.

BoredAgain0410 | BoredAgain0410

Honesty is key. Discussing expectations will prevent future heartache. ❤️

AGoodFaceForRadio | AGoodFaceForRadio

Spouse's affair child takes priority over wife's & kids' safety 🤯

shanna811 | shanna811

NTA, but YTA for staying. He's likely still cheating.

Electronic-Clock-546 | Electronic-Clock-546

OP did everything to accommodate husband's request but is criticized. NTA 👍

Im_just_that_1girl | Im_just_that_1girl

Everyone sucks here in a heartbreaking family situation 😢

revmat | revmat

NTA, leave him and get support/alimony. He's abusing forgiveness. 👏

Caztastic47 | Caztastic47

Leaving an abusive partner for the sake of your kids 👨‍🍳

beepbooplazer | beepbooplazer

Encouraging words for a woman to leave her cheating husband 💪

Characterde | Characterde

NTA, but harsh reality check for wife in unfortunate situation. 🤯

KokoGurl28 | KokoGurl28

Choosing to stay in a toxic marriage for the kids harms them in the long run. Be strong and leave. 👏

a_person1852 | a_person1852

Marriage with affair child, now surprised you're not priority. ESH 👎

CrazyCatLover_ | CrazyCatLover_

Husband's affair and lack of care. NTA for wife.

attentionspanissues | attentionspanissues

Taking control and leaving the cheater? You go, girl! 👏

kdkincaid | kdkincaid

Husband prioritizes affair child over wife and their toddlers 🤯

brendanl1998 | brendanl1998

Spouse cheats, expects wife to pay for UBER with kids 😱

aliquilts71 | aliquilts71

Leaving a cheating partner is better for your mental health. 💔

TonarinoTotoro1719 | TonarinoTotoro1719

Husband prioritizes affair child over wife's safety and convenience. NTA.

CymruB | CymruB

Empathetic comment encourages OP to leave toxic relationship. ❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empowering response to toxic relationship with a dark twist.

knightfrog1248 | knightfrog1248

Speculating about different possible side affairs with family history. 🤔

Positivelythinking | Positivelythinking

Cheating husband and wife both at fault in this mess 🤷‍♀️

rhyleyrey | rhyleyrey

Leave him, you're NTA for not wanting to take UBER.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being practical and reasonable during a difficult time. NTA 👍

Melodic_Childhood699 | Melodic_Childhood699

NTA but don't be a doormat to a cheating husband 🤯

callinguoutcusucant | callinguoutcusucant

NTA but don't stay with an a**hole. Divorce and move on 👌

TerrorAlpaca | TerrorAlpaca

Wake up, he's not doing it for the child 🙄

iamltr | iamltr

Empathetic comment advocating for leaving toxic relationship. 👏

KazzaQ66 | KazzaQ66

Protect yourself and your kids from a shady AF husband 👏

PTXLover_4Eva | PTXLover_4Eva

Book recommendation and hurricane well wishes for NTA commenter

AffectionateSausage | AffectionateSausage

Choosing not to Uber with toddler, but why stay? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Leave him, he only cares about his affair child 🚩

lynnebrad70 | lynnebrad70

Questioning the relationship and honesty of the husband 🤔

Slight_Membership_22 | Slight_Membership_22

Suggests divorce and cites spousal abandonment as legal option. 🤔

Glittering-Ruin-1296 | Glittering-Ruin-1296

Drop him sis 👌 Cheating husband has no right to call you selfish 🤯

sam9406 | sam9406

Be selfish, get out, get custody and live better. NTA! 💯

NotYourMommyDear | NotYourMommyDear

NTA commenter advises to grow a spine and leave cheater.

bscrolling | bscrolling

Husband's affair partner is playing house while you suffer. NTA.

shannamarie91 | shannamarie91

Skeptical of husband's affair, NTA for not taking Uber

Inevitable-Okra-3229 | Inevitable-Okra-3229

Spouse's willingness to endanger wife and children is alarming.

kelly08howell | kelly08howell

Questioning the husband's responsibility and cost-sharing in a tough situation.

MonkeyWrench | MonkeyWrench

Empathetic comment encourages leaving toxic relationship. NTA

shadowfax12221 | shadowfax12221

Divorce the selfish man, put your affairs in order 👏

Quicksilver1964 | Quicksilver1964

Supportive comment. Encourages planning for a better future. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA comment highlights husband's misplaced priorities. 🤔

Stardust_Hoopa | Stardust_Hoopa

Husband wants wife and toddlers to take Uber for affair child? NTA

JBW66 | JBW66

NTA commenter advises OP to leave her uncommitted husband 👋

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

Encouraging support with resources and reminding OP she deserves better ❤️

stxrrynight_6 | stxrrynight_6

INFO: Warning about the damage to children in toxic relationships 🚨

FeuerroteZora | FeuerroteZora

NTA! Don't let him manipulate you with his affair child 👍

HeroORDevil8 | HeroORDevil8

Heartbreaking situation. Leave for your kids' sake. 💔

DowntownEchidna3106 | DowntownEchidna3106

Don't forget to prioritize your own needs. You're NTA 🙌

poyorick | poyorick

Strong advice to leave toxic relationship for the sake of kids 👍

sophieann_90 | sophieann_90

A complex situation with no clear answer, but children deserve better 😔

fmlanything | fmlanything

Leave him. You and your babes deserve better. 👏

TeaBeginning5565 | TeaBeginning5565

NTA prioritizes affair child over family safety 👍

Inner_Thought1802 | Inner_Thought1802

Don't tolerate bad behavior, even if you've tolerated it before. ✊

supportgolem | supportgolem

Take charge of your situation! Get a lawyer. NTA 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Reevaluate your relationship, he made awful choices in the past 😔

ironosora | ironosora

NTA but you deserve better. Stand up for yourself! 💪🏻

UnAdorable-Pineapple | UnAdorable-Pineapple

Spouse prioritizes affair child over wife and their three kids 🤯

dart1126 | dart1126

You deserve better. Leave him and don't look back. ❤️

troubledahling | troubledahling

NTA, but consider taking action to improve your situation ⚖️

frellellell | frellellell

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