She DISRESPECTED My Precious Porcelain Collection 😤

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🍵 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a steaming hot tea-set drama brewing! 🍵 Meet our porcelain-loving protagonist, a 22-year-old gal with a passion for all things fragile and fancy. 💅 But what happens when her roomie starts getting a little too handsy with her precious collection? 😱 Grab a cuppa and let's dive into this delicate dilemma! ☕

🍵 The Porcelain Passion 🍵

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

💰 A Priceless Collection 💰

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🚫 No Touchy, No Usey 🚫

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

😱 The Milk Jug Mishap 😱

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🔐 Locked Up Tight 🔐

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🤬 Roomie's Rage 🤬

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🤔 Am I the A-hole? 🤔

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🏠 Home Depot to the Rescue 🏠

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🙏 Grateful for the Advice 🙏

porcelainthrowaway14 | porcelainthrowaway14

🔒 The Case of the Locked Cabinet: A Porcelain Predicament 🔒

Our porcelain princess 👸 found herself in a sticky situation when her roommate couldn't keep her hands off her prized possessions! 🙊 Despite repeated warnings, the roomie just couldn't resist the allure of the Lefton tea set. 🍵 Fed up, our heroine took matters into her own hands and locked up her treasures tighter than Fort Knox! 🔐 But now, the roomie and her posse are calling her an overreacting a-hole. 😤 The internet is abuzz with opinions on this delicate drama. Let's see what the masses have to say about this porcelain predicament! 🗣️

Protect your prized porcelain from potential damage and theft.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Valuate, insure, and protect your collection from disrespectful roommates. 💰👀

BlackStarBlues | BlackStarBlues

Roommate disrespects collection after being explicitly told not to. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate repeatedly disrespects collection, NTA for locking up items 🙈

TriZARAtops | TriZARAtops

Don't mess with someone's porcelain collection 😡

DaimonRandom | DaimonRandom

Protecting your belongings is important, but consider a safer display. 🔒

Lotex_Style | Lotex_Style

Suggest deposit equal to replacement cost, NTA 😊

ScammerC | ScammerC

Roommate disrespects porcelain collection despite clear boundaries. NTA.

zippykaiyay | zippykaiyay

Protect your porcelain collection with a camera, just in case 🙈

5babyteeth | 5babyteeth

Expensive porcelain collection vs entitled houseguest 🤔

stary_sunset | stary_sunset

Protecting property from entitled roomie - NTA 🚫🏠💥

zfsbest | zfsbest

Roommate disrespects valued porcelain collection, commenter calls out entitlement. NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Expect the unexpected when it comes to porcelain collections 🤷🏻‍♂️

jlzania | jlzania

Setting boundaries and respecting property is important. NTA 👍

chellaMKM | chellaMKM

Respect boundaries and treasures, calmly communicate to solve the problem. NTA 👍

RealCyberBunny | RealCyberBunny

Roommate disrespects precious collection. Warning for future possessions.

HuntJump | HuntJump

Roommate disrespecting property, find new place to live ASAP. 😱

Vorpal_Spork | Vorpal_Spork

Roommate used precious porcelain without permission, gets mad when locked away 😡

ShadyBookDealer | ShadyBookDealer

Protect your porcelain! NTA recommends storage and insurance.

BossRedRanger | BossRedRanger

No one is entitled to use your personal property 😠

No-Chemist2719 | No-Chemist2719

Store your porcelain offsite or document and insure them. 📷

horsendogguy | horsendogguy

Protect your precious porcelain collection! Antique dishes are not food safe 🚫🍽️

rusty0123 | rusty0123

Respect personal property: NTA for protecting porcelain collection 🙌

theemptyquarto | theemptyquarto

Respect my property or pay for it 💸💥

0drag | 0drag

Roommate disrespects porcelain collection, commenter suggests locking case. 💪

Dear_Analysis_5116 | Dear_Analysis_5116

Protect your porcelain collection, lock the case - NTA 👍

PattyMcPhattie | PattyMcPhattie

Respect your roommates' belongings by getting a lock 🔒

SnooAvocados7671 | SnooAvocados7671

Protect your porcelain and your property with these smart tips!

Dalhara | Dalhara

Porcelain collection sparks debate on sharing communal dishes 🍽️

nails_for_breakfast | nails_for_breakfast

Protect your precious porcelain from entitled disrespecters! 😠

Smitty80015 | Smitty80015

NTA and porcelain collection appraisal and insurance suggestion!

LittleMoonLily | LittleMoonLily

Roommate disrespects porcelain collection, NTA for locking cabinet 😤

No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

No respect for the porcelain collection 😤 Lock it up 🔒

Zillah-The-Broken | Zillah-The-Broken

Setting boundaries and respecting property is important 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Set boundaries with a roommate who disrespects your possessions.

radleynope | radleynope

NTA, roommate violated boundaries by using precious porcelain collection.

Seliphra | Seliphra

Protect your porcelain collection with smart security and get evidence! 📹

[deleted] | [deleted]

A suggestion to keep precious items safe and avoid stress 😊

Angieer5762923 | Angieer5762923

Possessive friend accused of using OP's porcelain collection 🤨

perhapsnew | perhapsnew

Make them realize the worth of your precious porcelain collection 🤔

CozmicOwl16 | CozmicOwl16

Locking the cabinet is a logical response 😎

littlehappyfeets | littlehappyfeets

Protect your porcelain with appraisals and locks 🛡

weeeesnaw | weeeesnaw

Ownership is key. You're NTA for protecting your belongings 👍

justheretoread88 | justheretoread88

Protect your porcelain collection like it's your life! 🔒 NTA.

1trikkponi | 1trikkponi

Protect your porcelain collection and friendship with insurance and honesty 👍

cicadasinmyears | cicadasinmyears

Respect the porcelain collection or face the wrath! NTA.

LadyOfSighs | LadyOfSighs

NTA stands up for their expensive porcelain collection.

akwardashell | akwardashell

Secure your valuables and ditch the friend. NTA 😎

AssistPure | AssistPure

Protect your precious porcelain collection with insurance and appraisal 👍

FortuneWhereThoutBe | FortuneWhereThoutBe

Roommate can't keep hands off precious porcelain collection 😤

pensaha | pensaha

Claim your cabinet and keep your porcelain safe 😎

TheDevilsAdvokaat | TheDevilsAdvokaat

Sell the collection to avoid disrespectful roommate 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protecting porcelain collection > storage unit. Get insurance, lock room. NTA 😎

Mito_sis | Mito_sis

Asserting ownership without confrontation 👏

Brave_Hat34 | Brave_Hat34

Protect your porcelain and find a new place 🏠

Miserable_Panda6979 | Miserable_Panda6979

Protect your porcelain! Roommates are the real selfish ones 😡

MissyCross | MissyCross

Setting boundaries is important. NTA for locking up valuables 👍

Piercedbunny | Piercedbunny

Keep your collector pieces under lock and key 😟

Defan3 | Defan3

Precious porcelain collection off-limits? NTA stands firm. 😎

oldcreaker | oldcreaker

Protect your porcelain collection like a hawk! 🦅👀

30ught6 | 30ught6

Don't mess with a collector's prized possessions 😠

Fuck_you_Reddit_Nazi | Fuck_you_Reddit_Nazi

Your possessions, your rules. Roommates have no say 🙅

Gochukaru | Gochukaru

Locking up the porcelain: NTA protects their prized possessions.

DuncanCant | DuncanCant

Sharing is caring, but boundaries are important 👍

Trippygirl13 | Trippygirl13

Protect your valuables from selfish roommates. 🔒

mekareami | mekareami

You offered to sell it, NTA. Hope it's insured 😱

Nickyx13 | Nickyx13

Suggests taking her thrifting for a set of her own 👍

isssssmogen | isssssmogen

Respect people's property 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Valuable porcelain collection vs. overreacting roommate 🤔

ZFG_Jerky | ZFG_Jerky

Setting boundaries is important, NTA for protecting your property 👍

Tamstrong | Tamstrong

Respect boundaries & property, no matter how trivial the object. NTA 👍

Average_Amy | Average_Amy

Respect your things or store them elsewhere 🙏

JCWa50 | JCWa50

Respect your stuff and don't let anyone disrespect it 🙌

aurumphallus | aurumphallus

Protect your porcelain 💎, lock it up if you must. NTA.

alaynamul | alaynamul

Protect your valuables from disrespectful roommates with written proof 📝

buuuuutman | buuuuutman

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