Parents STEAL $3K from Son's Secret Savings 💸🤬

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of teenage rebellion, secret savings, and family drama! 😱 Meet our 16-year-old hero, a hardworking kid just trying to save some cash for a car and college. 🚗🎓 But with five younger siblings and parents demanding half his paycheck for rent, it's no easy feat! 💸 When a raise at work comes along, our clever protagonist decides to keep it hush-hush. 🤫 Will his sneaky savings plan work out, or will mom and dad catch on to his money-hiding ways? 😰 Let's dive into this family financial fiasco and find out! 🙊

🙊 Teenage Troubles: Hiding Money from Mom & Dad! 💸

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

😫 Struggling to Save: The Impossible Dream! 🛍️

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

🤫 Shhh... Don't Tell Mom & Dad About the Raise! 💰

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

🎉 Stoked for Savings: $600 a Month, Here I Come! 🤑

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

⏰ Sneaky Savings: 4-5 Months of Secret Stashing! 🕵️

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

😱 Busted! Mom Finds the Secret Stash! 🚨

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

😭 Punishment: $3,000 Gone in a Flash! 💸

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

🗣️ Cousin Spills the Beans to Grandparents! 👴👵

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

🤔 Mystery Talk: What Did Grandpa Say? 🕵️

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

💰 Surprise! The $3,000 Returns! 😲

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

🤝 Friends & Family to the Rescue: Secret Savings Options! 🙌

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

🏦 Cousin's Bank Account Offer: A Tempting Solution! 💡

angel-hair-sketti | angel-hair-sketti

😱 Secret Savings Exposed: Teen's $3,000 Taken by Parents! 💸

Well, well, well... looks like our teenage money-hider got caught red-handed! 😱 After months of secretly stashing away $600 a month from his raise at work, his mom stumbled upon his $4,000 savings stash. 😳 As punishment for his sneaky ways, his parents confiscated $3,000! 💸 But wait, there's a twist! 🙊 Grandparents to the rescue! 👴👵 After a mystery talk with grandpa, mom returns the $3,000, telling our hero not to keep secrets anymore. 🤫 Now, with friends and family offering secret savings options, what will our young money-saver do next? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this wild ride of a story! 🎢

Parents stealing son's savings to support siblings is not okay 💸

Partially_Underwater | Partially_Underwater

NTA. Parents stealing from their own child's savings? Not cool 💯

Jazmadoodle | Jazmadoodle

Protect your savings, seek help from a trusted adult 👍

bitchofeskar | bitchofeskar

NTA. Parents taking 75% of your savings is financial abuse 💸🤬

GreenEyedKittyCat | GreenEyedKittyCat

Parents stealing $3K from son's savings is not okay. Move out ASAP.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Financial abuse is illegal. Look up resources in your area 👏

Dontdrinkthecoffee | Dontdrinkthecoffee

NTA. They're financially abusing you. Get someone you trust to keep money safe 💸

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

Smart tip to safeguard your savings with a separate account 💳

gearhart10 | gearhart10

Open a new bank account they can't access. NTA 💸

Zauberspruch | Zauberspruch

Should parents charge rent from their 16-year-old child? 🤔

Amythist35 | Amythist35

Supportive comment, encourages quitting job, NTA verdict. 👍

No-Locksmith-8590 | No-Locksmith-8590

Seeking family help to keep own savings, NTA.

whatsmynameagain55 | whatsmynameagain55

NTA! Threaten to call police and demand your money back 💵

Sjsharkb831 | Sjsharkb831

NTA. Parents stealing from their child is unacceptable 👎. Advice on planning for 18.

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Encouragement to save and hide money from thieving parents 👍

aitamrx | aitamrx

Parents steal $3K from son's savings, commenter supports son, NTA.

Pleasant_Cold | Pleasant_Cold

Parents steal $3K from son's savings, commenter supports NTA

AnonymousEagleThing | AnonymousEagleThing

Financial abuse is never ok. Speak up and seek help 👍

Exotic-Panda9887 | Exotic-Panda9887

Empathetic reply to victim of parental theft 😢

OkSurround6683 | OkSurround6683

Heartbreaking! Commenter expresses sympathy for victim of parental theft.

astrofoxical | astrofoxical

Stand up for yourself and leave! You're not their ATM. 💰

Big_Metal2470 | Big_Metal2470

Protect your money by opening a paperless bank account 💰

SystemConfident399 | SystemConfident399

Parent steals $3K from 16-yr-old's secret savings 😡 #NTA

sweetsunshine15 | sweetsunshine15

Toxic parenting! Keep your money safe until 18 💰

LemonPrestigious1131 | LemonPrestigious1131

NTA and comment suggests creative hiding spots for secret savings 🤬

Logical_Ruse | Logical_Ruse

Document their behavior to protect yourself in the future 👍

Parasamgate | Parasamgate

Enlist reasonable relatives to shame parents into returning stolen savings 💸

zdsmith03 | zdsmith03

Childhood trauma of parental stealing; entitlement is not an excuse 👏

The1Eileen | The1Eileen

Heartbreaking story. Solid advice from supportive commenter. 👍

ObservantPottery | ObservantPottery

Take control of your money 💰 and protect your savings 🔒

enerey | enerey

Supportive comment, encourages seeking help from authorities or family.

karaage_for_life | karaage_for_life

NTA commenter offers support and advice for victim of parental theft 👏

IsaacsLaughing | IsaacsLaughing

Report them! Parents can't force rent from minor child. #NTA

sapphicsapphires | sapphicsapphires

Parents steal from son's savings, commenter advises to stop paying rent.

Daedric1991 | Daedric1991

Struggling with controlling parents who stole their child's savings 💰

janocare | janocare

Report abusive parents who stole your savings. NTA 💰

TrashIndividual | TrashIndividual

Parents steal $3k from responsible son's savings 💸🤬

regus0307 | regus0307

Encouraging comment suggests quitting job to stop giving money to parents.

manimopo | manimopo

Financial abuse is real, seek resources to prepare to leave 👏

KotatsuHobo | KotatsuHobo

Escape economic abuse: NTA, move out at 18 👋

Last_Caterpillar8770 | Last_Caterpillar8770

Parents steal from son and rely on him for support?! 🤬

DigDugDogDun | DigDugDogDun

Take control of your finances and seek legal advice 💰

AlarmedBechamel | AlarmedBechamel

Seek help from a trusted teacher or counselor 👍

princessmary79 | princessmary79

Outrage over parents stealing son's $3K savings. NTA.

AspectC2 | AspectC2

Financial abuse is real and devastating. You're not alone. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Charging rent to a minor child and stealing their savings? NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Seek help from another adult to stop unfair theft 💪

likecommentsurvive | likecommentsurvive

NTA: Harsh reality of having parents who steal from you 💸

blueboy754 | blueboy754

Parents steal $3K from son's savings, NTA shouldn't pay them 💰

cupcakesgirlie7 | cupcakesgirlie7

Get a case worker, threaten to call police, and secure money 💸

UniquePractice58 | UniquePractice58

Parents steal from their own son's savings account. NTA

charlieprotag | charlieprotag

Encouraging NTA to save for college and get own bank account 💸

knightfrog1248 | knightfrog1248

Protect your money and your future. NTA.

neogreenlantern | neogreenlantern

Banking advice for underage savers 🏦💰

manumana | manumana

Stand up to your parents or stop working so much 💪

Shadow_84 | Shadow_84

Seek help from CPS or school counselor to stop abuse 🚨

Ok_Surprise_524 | Ok_Surprise_524

Financial abuse by parents. Seek guidance counselor & child services 👍

littlemssunshinepdx | littlemssunshinepdx

Parents steal $3K from son's savings. Commenter supports son.

AnthonyEdwardStank | AnthonyEdwardStank

Need a tax strategy to hide savings from snooping parents 🤬

darknessfalls00 | darknessfalls00

Unfair parental theft of $3K from hardworking child. NTA.

deathcheater144 | deathcheater144

Parents steal $3K from son's savings; comment suggests calling cops

InterplanetaryJanet | InterplanetaryJanet

Call the non-emergency line and report parentidication. NTA.

kwiyomikat | kwiyomikat

Redditors suggest stealing back stolen savings. 😈

AwesomeSpeed33 | AwesomeSpeed33

Setting boundaries with entitled parents 👍

sdbinnl | sdbinnl

Don't let them take advantage of you, seek help. NTA 👍

Ardara | Ardara

Illegal and concerning. Seek help ASAP, hun 👍

IndividualIce3613 | IndividualIce3613

Protect your hard-earned money from lying, thieving parents. NTA 👍

WhichComfortable0 | WhichComfortable0

Heartbreaking. Encouraging independence is crucial. Don't let them hold you back. 👏

sashaopinion | sashaopinion

Heartbreaking betrayal by parents. Encouraging escape plan for safety. 💔

lsp2005 | lsp2005

Protect your savings with PayPal, NTA for feeling robbed 💰🔒

LynTheWitch | LynTheWitch

Sharing personal experience and offering advice for opening bank account.

couponanimaniac | couponanimaniac

Protect your savings! Avoid joint bank accounts with others.

Mammoth-District-617 | Mammoth-District-617

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