SIL Throws Out £200 Pot, Demands It BACK After This Clever Trick! 😠

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🔥 Buckle up, folks! We've got a sizzling tale of family drama, burnt pots, and the age-old question: Is one woman's trash truly another's treasure? 🗑️💍 When a pricey pot gets scorched and tossed, our clever protagonist swoops in to save the day with a miraculous cleaning hack! 🧼✨ But wait, the original owner wants it back! 😱 Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from a single mom's fury to a mystery man's gift! 🎁 Will our hero keep the pot, or will she be branded an a-hole? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 👀

🍳 The Burnt Pot Fiasco! 🔥

ladycandle | ladycandle

🗑️ One Man's Trash, Another's Treasure? 💍

ladycandle | ladycandle

🧼 The Miraculous Cleaning Hack! ✨

ladycandle | ladycandle

🥘 The Stew Strikes Back! 😱

ladycandle | ladycandle

😡 The Single Mom's Fury! 🤬

ladycandle | ladycandle

🎁 The Mystery Man's Gift 🕵️

ladycandle | ladycandle

🌿 From Cooking to Planting! 🪴

ladycandle | ladycandle

🤳 Google It, Sister! 📱

ladycandle | ladycandle

🌍 Saved from the Landfill! ♻️

ladycandle | ladycandle

The Verdict: Who's the Real Pot-Stirrer?

It seems our resourceful plant-loving protagonist has found herself in quite the pickle! She saved a scorched pot from the depths of the recycling bin, only to face the wrath of her sister-in-law, the forgetful Facebook addict! Some might say it's a classic case of 'finders, keepers,' but others argue that family should always come first. So, what does the internet think? Is our green-thumbed hero an a-hole for keeping the pot, or is the single mom overreacting? One thing's for sure: this story has more twists and turns than a corkscrew! Let's see what the masses have to say about this sizzling family drama!

NTA saves ruined pot, SIL demands it back. 🤷‍♀️

ponchoacademy | ponchoacademy

Toxic SIL causing trouble and bad feelings in family 🤯

TopHatHare | TopHatHare

Lazy SIL throws pot, demands it back after clever trick 😠

lindsi8784 | lindsi8784

Don't mess with gift-giving etiquette! 🎁

GoddessofWind | GoddessofWind

NTA gives away burnt pan, learns cleaning trick, moves on. 😉

twoglassesofwine | twoglassesofwine

SIL demands pot back after OP cleverly uses it. NTA.

GlitterDrunk | GlitterDrunk

User calls out OP for being selfish and dishonest 🤥

intervarsity | intervarsity

Recycling bin: the final frontier of SIL's pot ownership claim. 🚮

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be a greedy friend, share the love! YTA 🙄

catzrob89 | catzrob89

Clever kitchen hack saves cookware! NTA prevails.

TheLesserWombat | TheLesserWombat

NAH. OP's clever trick saves SIL's pot and relationship.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let anyone take advantage of your hard work 💪

re_nonsequiturs | re_nonsequiturs

NTA. SIL demands thrown-out pot back after being found.

arazzberry | arazzberry

YTA for not being a decent human and keeping the pot.

Deezer509 | Deezer509

YouTube saves the day and the environment! 👍

MsWolf42 | MsWolf42

Is returning the £200 pot worth it for family harmony? 🤔

factfarmer | factfarmer

Clever revenge suggestion for SIL's pot destruction 🤔

Froot-Batz | Froot-Batz

Captain Hindsight makes a valid point 🤔

car55tar5 | car55tar5

Don't return the pot, but gift an identical one to her? 🤔

Velma88 | Velma88

Pot drama! Being right isn't always better than being good. 🙈

Brian051770 | Brian051770

Enjoy your newly cleaned pot! NTA 😊

NarrativeScorpion | NarrativeScorpion

Trash or treasure? NTA asked, SIL demands back. 🤔

LabRatzz | LabRatzz

Don't be a pushover! Keep the pot you cleaned. 😠

Bladeslinger2 | Bladeslinger2

Petty vs. Normal: Should they burn the pot or not? 🤔

Volunddrynoch | Volunddrynoch

Burn something in it and apologize with a smile 😅

neytiri10 | neytiri10

Controversial comment suggests giving pot back to SIL 🤔

Keltik_ | Keltik_

Cleverly restored pot thrown away, SIL demands it back 🤦‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

A £200 pot and a clever trick lead to a sucky situation 😒

StealfDragon | StealfDragon

SIL demands £200 pot back after throwing it away. NTA wins.

Able_Consideration38 | Able_Consideration38

Clever response to entitled SIL demanding £200 pot back 😂

MaruCloche | MaruCloche

SIL throws away pot, demands it back. OP keeps it. NTA 😎

annyedog | annyedog

Redditor called YTA for taking advantage of sister-in-law's ignorance. 🤨

draphramatic | draphramatic

A moral dilemma: ESH as SIL demands back fixed pot

Speedraca | Speedraca

Redditor calls out YTA for exploiting SIL's lack of knowledge 😔

TouchMyRustySpoon | TouchMyRustySpoon

You fixed the pot, but the photo was a mistake 😬

walkietalkie000 | walkietalkie000

Keeping the pot may ruin relationship with SIL. Is it worth it? 🤔

SzDiverge | SzDiverge

No backsies rule applies to SIL's demand for £200 pot. 🎉

ChuckGreenwald | ChuckGreenwald

NTA, don't give it back. Tell her to pay for cleaning 😊

Independent_Floor_20 | Independent_Floor_20

Dumpster diving victory! NTA keeps thrown pot. 🙌

SkittishWombat | SkittishWombat

YTA accused of taking advantage of SIL's ignorance. 🤨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Satisfying NTA response to entitled SIL's thrown-out gift 🎁

Mysterious-Winter616 | Mysterious-Winter616

Fixing the pot makes OP NTA, but taking it is YTA 🤷‍♂️

frozen_flame123 | frozen_flame123

To give back or not to give back? 🤔 Consider relative joy.

MsSnarky | MsSnarky

Clever trick to get back a thrown out pot. NTA wins.

SpookyBlackCat | SpookyBlackCat

Clever trick saves expensive cookware from SIL's wastefulness. NTA wins.

Dogzillas_Mom | Dogzillas_Mom

One woman's trash is another woman's treasure 💎

reignbo678 | reignbo678

Eco-friendly reminder about recycling standards 🌎

MysticPinecone | MysticPinecone

Asking for something back after giving it away, rude much? 🙄

Suse- | Suse-

SIL demands pot back after throwing it out? NTA, stand your ground! 😠

LibraWoman1 | LibraWoman1

Clever trick saves tossed pot, but who's the real a**hole?

Superdickeater | Superdickeater

Family drama over thrown-out pot sparks YTA judgement.

DrMangosteen | DrMangosteen

NTA. SIL demands garbage pot back after you refurbished it. 🤷‍♀️

aliskiromanov | aliskiromanov

Clever tip to deal with SIL's unreasonable demand! 😎

inimitable_girl | inimitable_girl

YTA - Taking advantage of the situation for a free pot 😒

WonderingWaffle | WonderingWaffle

SIL throws out pot, demands it back; NTA stands ground.

ToastAbrikoos | ToastAbrikoos

Stand your ground against pot-demanding SIL's bullying tactics 💪

NomadicusRex | NomadicusRex

User receives YTA judgement and criticism for throwing out pot.

Xena66 | Xena66

NTA, but return the pot and have your husband get you a new one 🍳

Purple__Unicorn | Purple__Unicorn

Redditor compares throwing out pot to selling valuable figurine.

jsingleton86 | jsingleton86

Salvaged pot leads to greedy sister-in-law trying to con it back. 😒

Discontinuedsoda | Discontinuedsoda

Don't be an a**hole, offer to help instead. YTA. 🙄

Starbeets | Starbeets

Kindness wins - returning the pot cleaned makes everyone happy! ❤

RainInTheWoods | RainInTheWoods

Sending the picture caused trouble. YTA, but not malicious 🤷‍♀️

Nerakus | Nerakus

Pot drama: ESH, but OP should have suggested internet search 🌐

RNBQ4103 | RNBQ4103

SIL demands £200 pot back after OP cleans it. NTA, but husband's a bit of an AH. 🤷‍♀️

Denkyuu3 | Denkyuu3

YTA took advantage of SIL's situation and lacks social awareness. 🤪

Freetopali | Freetopali

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