Passenger REFUSES to Help with Unruly Kids on Flight, Ignores Screaming Twins! 😱✈️

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🛫 We've got a real doozy of a story for you today. 😱 Picture this: you're settling into your comfy aisle seat, ready for a relaxing flight, when suddenly a mom with twin terrors appears out of nowhere! 👩‍👦‍👦 She's demanding a seat swap, but you're not having it. 🙅‍♀️ Cue the drama, the tears, and the family feud that follows! 🔥 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this turbulent tale of airplane antics! ✈️

🛫 Buckle up for a wild ride! 😱

airplanebabies | airplanebabies

🚨 Seat Swap Showdown! 💺

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🙅‍♀️ Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys! 🐒

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🎧 Tuning Out the Tiny Terrors 👶👶

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😡 Momzilla Strikes Back! 🦖

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🛬 Landing a Compromise 🤝

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🚑 In Case of Emergency, Break Glass! 🆘

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🤔 AITA for ignoring them? 🙈

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😱 Turbulence Ahead: The Great Airplane Seat Swap Saga! 🛫

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a real in-flight fiasco! 🍿 Our poor protagonist just wanted a peaceful flight, but Momzilla had other plans. 🦖 Twin terrors running amok, seat swaps denied, and a whole lot of family drama to boot! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 It's a classic case of 'not my circus, not my monkeys' 🙈 but the fam seems to think otherwise. So, let's see what the internet has to say about this sky-high showdown! 🌩️ Grab your popcorn and get ready for some turbulent opinions! 😂

Paid for seat, not a babysitter. NTA here. 👍

bitchy_badger | bitchy_badger

Passenger refuses to move and help mother with young kids 😒

Foamsword21 | Foamsword21

Passengers' lack of empathy leads to chaotic flight. ESH 😱

pack7800 | pack7800

Passenger criticized for not helping with screaming twins on flight. 😒

fiveoclockmocktail | fiveoclockmocktail

Redditor called out for repetitive argument, deemed YTA by consensus.

MasterKoos | MasterKoos

Switch seats or not, be kind to strangers. YTA/NTA

CorwinMNE | CorwinMNE

Flying is stressful for everyone, gate agents/flight attendants AHs here.

mrsdontpointatface | mrsdontpointatface

Compassionate comment about flight seating mix-up and parenting.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Passenger gets called out for being selfish on flight. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stranger expects free babysitting on a flight? NTA wins!

ur-humble-overlord | ur-humble-overlord

Passengers should have helped instead of judging each other. 🙅

Toppris32 | Toppris32

Being a decent human is inconvenient but worth it. 🙌

greasyflame1 | greasyflame1

Passenger refuses to help with kids on flight, deemed a**hole 👎

Adulting2020 | Adulting2020

Airline splits parent from young kids, commenter says NAH

donkeyinamansuit | donkeyinamansuit

Passenger and commenter share responsibility in managing unruly kids. ESH 😓

KT_mama | KT_mama

Passenger's refusal to switch seats on plane makes them YTA 😠

lettucecui | lettucecui

Passenger refuses to help with screaming kids on a flight 😤

squashed_tomato | squashed_tomato

Passenger criticized for refusing to switch seats with parent. 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

Passenger refuses to help mother with screaming twins on flight 😠

wranglearrowleaf | wranglearrowleaf

Being too big for a middle seat is understandable, but being unhelpful is ESH 😒

bigandtallandhungry | bigandtallandhungry

Kindness goes a long way on a stressful plane ride. ✌🏻

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Empathetic comment about seating arrangement and not being responsible for kids.

stargirl09 | stargirl09

Airlines, parents and passenger are all a**holes in-flight seating debacle 😑

Saclarke09 | Saclarke09

Passenger refuses to help with kids on flight, gets called out 😒

I_May_Slay_Liz_Daw | I_May_Slay_Liz_Daw

Passenger criticized for prioritizing comfort over stressed mother and kids 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defining 'kind of claustrophobic' on a flight 😳

phdoofus | phdoofus

Passenger stands up to entitled mother on flight. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Lesson learned: never switch seats on a flight. 😒✈️

logicalideals | logicalideals

Passenger criticized for not accommodating parent with twins on flight.

not_levar_burton | not_levar_burton

Choosing a seat ahead of time doesn't make you a babysitter. NTA 🙌

musubiqueen | musubiqueen

Airline should seat families together without charging extra fees. NAH.

pienoceros | pienoceros

Passenger gets called out for not switching seats. YTA 👎

Lahdeedoh | Lahdeedoh

Crazy to ignore screaming kids on a flight. YTA.

Zanasaurus-rex | Zanasaurus-rex

Passenger criticized for not helping with unruly kids on flight.

1BlueTexan | 1BlueTexan

Not entitled to help with screaming twins on flight. NTA 👍

PharmD_ | PharmD_

Passenger refuses to babysit, family supports stranger's decision. NTA.

jpcats | jpcats

Passenger is NTA for not parenting entitled mother's kids 😠

Princesstiy | Princesstiy

Passenger labeled YTA for refusing to help with unruly kids.

cyberllama | cyberllama

Helpful suggestion for dealing with unruly kids on flights. ✈️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parent acknowledges the struggle of flying with kids, suggests better controls. 🙏

Mission-Cloud360 | Mission-Cloud360

Flight seating troubles cause debate on parenting and airline responsibility ✈️

On_my_raft | On_my_raft

Be kind while traveling 🚢 It makes a difference.

josiebadcat | josiebadcat

Passenger called out for refusing to help with unruly kids 🙅

awnothecorn | awnothecorn

Passenger chooses not to help unruly kids on flight, NTA.

FanofYueFei | FanofYueFei

Is it the airline's fault or the passenger's? 🤔

RamblingManUK | RamblingManUK

Flight passenger suggests polite ways to handle unruly kids 👍

Scynful | Scynful

NTA. Can't expect strangers to babysit. Parenting is not communal 👭

[deleted] | [deleted]

Passenger refuses to switch seats with mom and young children. YTA.

3m2coy | 3m2coy

Passenger declines helping with screaming kids, commenters support decision.

theantifascist | theantifascist

Parenting on a plane: Should parents pay to sit with kids?

ThrowawayJudger | ThrowawayJudger

Explaining claustrophobia to flight attendant could have helped, YTA gently.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Redditor calls out judgment vs real life labeling, suggests ESH.

chronolinker | chronolinker

Passenger criticized for not helping with unruly kids on flight, YTA.

burrito_finger | burrito_finger

Passenger not obligated to help with screaming kids on flight. #NTA

Glasgowghirl67 | Glasgowghirl67

Both parties at fault for escalating the situation 🤷‍♂️

actualdemonbianca | actualdemonbianca

Mother struggles to keep family together on flight, YTA response.

Norfolk16 | Norfolk16

Passenger criticized for not helping with unruly kids on flight.

cikanman | cikanman

Passenger criticized for not helping a struggling mother with kids.

moondollundefined | moondollundefined

Passengers shouldn't have to cater to entitled parents and kids. 😱

throwaway__7122 | throwaway__7122

Passenger refuses to help with unruly kids on flight. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Passenger prioritizes comfort over helping a mother on flight. 😒

DocSternau | DocSternau

Entitled parent ignores screaming twins, NTA stands their ground. 😱

kongtroll584 | kongtroll584

Being considerate goes a long way on flights 🛩✈️

[deleted] | [deleted]

ESH- switching seats would have been nice, but not mandatory. Mother can't expect free childcare.

Almost-an-Airbender | Almost-an-Airbender

Redditor calls out OP for not helping with unruly kids. YTA.

MommaLa | MommaLa

Airline policies make it hard for parents to control kids. NTA 🙅

Judgypossum | Judgypossum

No obligation to mind other people's kids. NTA! 👏

2buckbill | 2buckbill

Being kind doesn't cost anything 👍

Exotic-Student | Exotic-Student

Passenger criticized for not switching seats with mom. 🙅

alimaful | alimaful

Gender assumption affects willingness to help with unruly kids.

CrepuscularCorvid | CrepuscularCorvid

Passenger refuses to help with screaming twins, but is NTA

Birmingham245 | Birmingham245

Passenger called out for asking stranger to watch her kids. ESH.

vanillac0ff33 | vanillac0ff33

Passenger suggests a chair dance for peaceful flight, calls everyone 'ESH' 😒

ellellim | ellellim

Passenger refuses to help with unruly kids on flight, deemed YTA. Mom should have made it a bigger deal.

messymommy6289 | messymommy6289

User calls out OP for being TA on flight - YTA

theduchessofnaboo | theduchessofnaboo

Mother defends airline passenger in seating disagreement with empathy. 💺❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for your chosen seat, no need to switch! 👍

ChibiGrace | ChibiGrace

Passenger refuses to switch seats, called a selfish a**hole 🙄

stellaandme | stellaandme

Anxious flyer defends not helping with unruly kids on flight. 😱

chewbooks | chewbooks

Passenger, mother, and flight attendant all share blame 👎🏻

namelings | namelings

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