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Thalassophobia Is The Terrifying Phobia You Probably Have And Never Knew

I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for new ways to be afraid and new things to be afraid of. Is that just me?

If you're like me, or even if you're not, there's probably a fear you already have but just haven't realized it yet: thalassophobia.

So what is thalassophobia?

The answer is something you've probably dealt with countless times if you've traveled on a boat, went to the beach, or swam in a pool.

Which is probably just about everyone.

BetterHelp says "The word "thalassophobia" is Greek, and it translates to 'fear of the sea.'"

Not JUST the sea itself, though.

"Insofar as a thalassophobia definition, those who suffer from thalassophobia have an extremely irrational fear, or "phobia," of the sea, its vast emptiness, the creatures that live in it, and/or of traveling on the water."

And, of course, interacting with that water in any way is also a part of the fear.

"Thalassophobia can include the fear of swimming in a large body of water, such as a river or ocean."

What Does That Mean?

Unsplash | Jeremy Bishop

So if you've ever been afraid to swim in the rivers or oceans, worried something might be under the water in your pool, or had an irrational fear of anything below the water's surface -- including the small, microscopic creatures.

Vast And Unknown

The vast nothingness, mystery, and silence of what you can encounter in the sea help this fear continue on and thrive. Not to mention there is just a lot of danger in the ocean.

Deadly Seas

The very real dangers of the ocean likely add to the fears many hold close when they're visiting the beach or facing a swim. Some don't like to get in the water for these reasons or at least do it very carefully.

A Matter Of Perspective

While some images like the picture above can be peaceful, to some they are nightmares that capture what they hate the most. The massive, empty sea where you could be swallowed and disappear in an instant.

Facing Your Fears

There are even subreddits devoted to the issue where people share the images that trigger them and others.

Kings Of The Deep

And when you see some of the creatures, especially the big ones and the weird ones from deep below the waves — where the light doesn't reach — you start to get a better picture of why some don't enjoy the water.

All About Scale

Even something typically harmless like a whale is dangerous due to its size and the imagination can run wild.

Let's Test it Out

Now that we have established what thalassophobia is, let's check out some freaky photos of the sea to test our reactions!

Like how about this one of a man sitting on the edge of Jacob's Well in Texas? It looks cool, but what lurks beneath?

Huge Whale

Here is an image of a huge whale swimming right under a fishing vessel. The photographer claims it's real; we have our doubts. Either way, if you have thalassophobia then this should terrify you.

All of the Sharks

Look at all these dang sharks. There's even one right at the feet of a person sitting on a surfboard. Just think about this the next time you're on vacation at the beach.

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