Hilarious Accidental Voice-to-Text Perfectly Summarizes Motherhood

Parents often find themselves in sticky, hilarious, and awkward situations. When you're raising a baby, anything can happen. Thanks to the internet, a lot of these funny fails are being shared with the world online.

Sometimes, we do things without even realizing it.

Unsplash | The Honest Company

When our hands are in the middle of changing diapers, or we have baby food all over our faces, or we're up with a screaming child in the middle of the night, it's hard to keep track of every little thing.

Moms are always wearing multiple hats.

Unsplash | The Honest Company

One minute we're doing something for us, the next moment we have to stop and help our kids.

It's nothing new.

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Anyone who has at least one child knows the deal.

One mom on Reddit proved that sometimes, we make life funny without even realizing it.

Unsplash | The Honest Company

After trying to respond to a post using "voice-to-text" while changing her son's diaper, it took a hilarious turn once she began getting down to business.

She was responding to a post about a mom dealing with a rude co-worker.

Unsplash | The Honest Company

The response sounded normal at first, with the mom saying, "My pregnancy and child have brought up a ton of horrible…” in her reply that was posted to Reddit.

But, then, she turned to mom-mode and it went straight into "poop, poop, poop."

Unsplash | The Honest Company

While changing her son's diaper, her attention shifted entirely.

It went from regular comment to poopy diaper mode.

The entire post was filled with "poops" and tons of love. Any mom who has ever changed a diaper knows this is the usual speech you give to your little ones.

She later realized her mistake.

She followed up commenting, "Jesus Christ..accidental talk to text during a diaper change. I have to get him down. I’ll finish this comment in a bit!”

People on Reddit were confused at first, but her follow-up comment cleared things up.

One person said, "I was so confused by this comment and then I saw your follow-up comment. This has made my day. Mom life for sure. You should keep this forever.”

Another person said it was so relatable.

Unsplash | Thiago Cerqueira

"If anybody needs to know what motherhood is like, this is it. In a nutshell. Perfect."

Anyone who has a baby knows it to be true.

Going from normal talk to baby talk goes from 0-100 like that, it's just motherhood!

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