Unsplash | Nand Shah

Parents Fed Up With The 'Elf On The Shelf' Are Putting It In Isolation This Year

It's that time of year again, folks! The time when parents and families are gearing up for the holiday season. As if decorating, shopping, and cooking are not enough, many times parents are constantly trying to make the holidays a fun experience for their kids. Of course for many families, this includes the very popular "Elf on the Shelf."

Elf on the Shelf has been a standing tradition in many households.

For those who don't know, the popular elf doll is placed around the home in various locations and in various poses in the days leading up to Christmas. Many families try to make the poses fun and funny for the kids.

Some are so good, they even go viral online.

Some of the hilarious and naughty places that the elf lands go viral online for being that amazing. People really get into it every year. But, it's definitely a lot of work.

For some of the "locations," people have to get super creative.

Some people go all out coming up with some of their ideas. And, knowing that you have to place him in a new spot every day? Well, that's a lot of work.

This year, some people are coming up with some... interesting ideas.

This year is definitely different when it comes to the holidays. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many are opting to keep the holidays rather small this year.

Many parents are so burnt out and exhausted, thinking about having to do Elf on the Shelf is almost too much.

It may seem like a small activity, but in reality, it takes a lot of thought and energy to continuously create those "scenes" each night. So, some parents and families are using COVID-19 as an opportunity to create a new tradition for their elves this year.

The idea was originally shared by Moonlight Creations by jamjam on Facebook.

The person behind the Facebook page came up with the perfect idea for parents to use with their elves.

"Elf on the shelf isolation house!"

That's right, even the Elf needs to isolate this time around if he's going to visit.

People online absolutely love the idea.

So much so, that they're recreating the idea in their own ways. Some of them include masks, others include "quarantine" countdowns for the number of days their elf is supposed to be "on the shelf."

For most families, the elf visits after Thanksgiving or the beginning of December.

But with the isolation homes, the elf won't have to be moved for 14 days. That way, the elf tradition is still alive and well but parents don't have to worry about moving it every single day.

It's really the best way to celebrate the holiday season while staying on-brand for this mess that 2020 has truly been for us all.

If your'e looking for an easy way to make the holidays special for the kids, do the "isolation" Elf on the Shelf.

Not only is it COVID-19-friendly, but it's also still in the spirit of Christmas and all that is holly-jolly. Get yourself an elf and a jar and make your own. And, send us the photos!

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