Her BFF Got Pregnant From a One Night Stand...What She Did Next Left Me Speechless 😲

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Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy tale of friendship, pregnancy, and moral dilemmas that'll have you on the edge of your seat! 😱 When two besties find themselves at odds over an unexpected bun in the oven, things get heated real quick. 🔥 One wants support, the other has principles - who will come out on top in this battle of beliefs? 🤔 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this scandalous story! 🎢

🤝 Besties Since School Days! 👭

alahala110099 | alahala110099

😱 Pregnancy Bombshell Dropped! 💣

alahala110099 | alahala110099

😢 Desperate Call for Help! 📞

alahala110099 | alahala110099

🙋‍♀️ Bestie to the Rescue! 🦸‍♀️

alahala110099 | alahala110099

🤝 Let's Make a Plan! 📝

alahala110099 | alahala110099

🙅‍♀️ No Money for Baby! 💸

alahala110099 | alahala110099

🗣️ Respect My Beliefs! 🙏

alahala110099 | alahala110099

🤰 Pregnancy Pandemonium: Bestie Betrayal or Moral Stand? 🤔

Our protagonist found herself in quite the pickle! Her longtime bestie got knocked up from a one-night stand and wanted an abortion. Our gal offered to pay for the trip and be there for emotional support, but her friend tried to pull a fast one and get the cash for the baby instead! 💸 Not cool, sister. 😒 Our heroine put her foot down and said no way, Jose! She has principles, and supporting this pregnancy isn't one of them. Now the whole friend group is getting involved, and it's a hot mess express! Let's see what the internet has to say about this baby mama drama!

Clarification needed on OP's stance on friend's pregnancy 🤔

hollys63 | hollys63

Friend got pregnant from one night stand, commenter not responsible 😍

DncgBbyGroot | DncgBbyGroot

Friend asked for money after lying, NTA for saying no 👍

CuriousTsukihime | CuriousTsukihime

NTA sets boundaries and cuts off friend who exploits pregnancy 🤰

Complete-Bullfrog-29 | Complete-Bullfrog-29

Friend's pregnancy sparks divisive ideological argument. YTA accused.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend wants money after one night stand, NTA but risks.

Loopy-Lulu | Loopy-Lulu

Pushing abortion and forcing beliefs on friend - ESH 😑

FoxUniCarKilo | FoxUniCarKilo

NTA for setting clear terms, hang up on scammers 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend declines financial support for unplanned pregnancy, turns against OP. NTA 👏

nurseinboots | nurseinboots

Sensitive question on motives behind getting an abortion. 🤔

Galilee5717 | Galilee5717

NTA sees right through ex's fake abortion request 😎

Redgeode | Redgeode

Friend not entitled to money. Other friends should help instead. 👍

NefariousnessGlum424 | NefariousnessGlum424

Assertive response to friend's financial requests. 💪

Candy4Evr | Candy4Evr

Confusion on what the actual question is 🤔

thievingwillow | thievingwillow

Be careful with your money, she might be lying 😒

teresajs | teresajs

Setting boundaries with friends about financial support. 💸

Green-Web792 | Green-Web792

NTA suspects friend's ulterior motive for money, offers alternate support.

v2den | v2den

Refusing to pay for BFF's one night stand baby. 😒

Bubbly-Kitty-2425 | Bubbly-Kitty-2425

Questioning OP's contradictory beliefs and support for friend

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't fall for lies, not your child, not your responsibility 🙅

Avebury1 | Avebury1

Friend wants money for baby, commenter says no, drama ensues 🥴

Nlb00 | Nlb00

Friend fakes abortion to extort money for having the baby. 😒

No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

Respectful disagreement over friend's pregnancy with no drama 👏

No-Albatross-7984 | No-Albatross-7984

Generous offer to assist in termination, not obligated to give money 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for helping a friend in need, but not financially supporting a baby 👏

Ns4200 | Ns4200

Antinatalist cuts off friend who sees her as piggy bank 👍

antinatalistFtM | antinatalistFtM

Demanding money from a one night stand? 🤔

srkaficionado | srkaficionado

Friend offered $9,000 for pregnant BFF's responsibility, NTA wins.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for beliefs: NTA and money control 💪

Beckylately | Beckylately

OP withdrew support after friend lied about conditions. NTA 👍

Opia_lunaris | Opia_lunaris

Choosing adoption or seeking help from the father is wiser 💰

mikenzeejai | mikenzeejai

Debating morality, legality and support for a pregnant friend. 🤔

Precipitatertot | Precipitatertot

Join the childfree subreddit! Your beliefs matter. NTA 👏

Davinaaa28 | Davinaaa28

Cutting out toxic friends is hard, but worth it. NTA 👏

Forteanforever | Forteanforever

Standing up for beliefs without being pushy. NTA 👍

redditorshavenosense | redditorshavenosense

Confusion and curiosity about commenter's beliefs 🤔

SixtyCyclesLBC | SixtyCyclesLBC

Standing up for oneself against financial manipulation 💪

Kindly_Frame | Kindly_Frame

Friend refuses emotional support and care because of disagreement. YTA 😑

Puzzleheaded-Hurry26 | Puzzleheaded-Hurry26

Friend lies to get money for baby, NTA for refusing.

RavenBlueEyes84 | RavenBlueEyes84

Setting boundaries is important, NTA for standing your ground 👏

hawksvow | hawksvow

Accusation of gold digging: NTA comment shuts it down 😎

AshenRabbit | AshenRabbit

Toxic beliefs and no money, ESH in this situation 🤯

hitchinpost | hitchinpost

When friendship is conditional on pregnancy, it's toxic 🤯

helloiamparker | helloiamparker

Money can't buy friendship 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend asks for money, OP says no, Redditors support decision 👍

SafeSpace4Kindness | SafeSpace4Kindness

Friend had one night stand, now pregnant. OP NTA, let friend handle it. 👍

Bringintheclowns1 | Bringintheclowns1

Setting boundaries with a manipulative friend 😠

ekingslei | ekingslei

Don't be a cash cow for a one night stand baby 🐮

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

Friend gets pregnant from one night stand, NTA for not supporting financially 👍

MRYGM1983 | MRYGM1983

Supporting a friend's pregnancy: emotional vs financial responsibility 🤔

Broccoliforabrain | Broccoliforabrain

Offering money for an unborn child? NTA has spoken 👀

Projectonyx | Projectonyx

Donating money is a personal choice, NTA for verifying usage 👍

SnooSuggestions2288 | SnooSuggestions2288

Financial responsibility only for specific situation, NTA 👏

Aggressive-Sample612 | Aggressive-Sample612

Friend tries to manipulate her beliefs and money. NTA wins 👏

giantbrownguy | giantbrownguy

User suspects ulterior motives in friend's changing abortion decision 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Setting boundaries with friends over money is important. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Offering help with strings attached. NTA, your money your rules. 👍

NimueLovesCoffee | NimueLovesCoffee

NTA advises on the realities of unplanned parenthood. 😲

Ima_bean | Ima_bean

Clear boundaries set. Not your kid, not your responsibility. NTA! 👍

Aggravating-Pin-8845 | Aggravating-Pin-8845

Choosing abortion over financial burden. Tough decision. 😱

Googlybear98 | Googlybear98

Don't let guilt-tripping friends take advantage of you. 🙌

Animefaerie | Animefaerie

Not her responsibility. Father should support the child. 👍

Wyshunu | Wyshunu

NTA refuses to financially support friend's choices, offers practical advice.

chicharrones_yum | chicharrones_yum

NTA. Friend lied for money and is not entitled to more. 👏

throwaway63638291936 | throwaway63638291936

NTA stands firm on not giving money for unplanned pregnancy. 👏

honeypierazorblade | honeypierazorblade

Standing up against pregnancy grifters. You go, NTA! 👏

OaktownPirate | OaktownPirate

NTA for not supporting but anti-kid beliefs? 🤔

pagman007 | pagman007

NTA stands up for herself and shuts down critics. 👏

ShadeWolf95 | ShadeWolf95

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