GF Loses License After BF's PETTY Refusal to Take Short Course 🚫🚗

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy tale of love, speeding tickets, and a boyfriend's stubborn stance that might just cost his girlfriend her driving license! 😱 This couple's been together for 6 years, but a recent speeding scandal has thrown their relationship into overdrive. 🚓 The boyfriend's facing a tough choice: take a quick 2-hour course to keep his record spotless or let his girlfriend face the costly consequences. 💸 Get ready for a wild ride filled with drama, petty decisions, and a whole lot of relationship roadblocks! 🙅‍♂️😤

🚗💨 Speeding Scandal: Couple's Driving Dilemma! 😱

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🇬🇧 UK Driving Laws: Points, Penalties, and Pitfalls! ⚠️

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🔰 New Driver Dangers: 6 Points and You're Out! 😰

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🚓 Caught on Camera: GF's Speeding Scandal! 😳

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🤔 The Boyfriend's Dilemma: Take the Course or Tell the Truth? 🚨

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

💸 The Costly Consequences: £500 for GF's Mistake! 💰

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🙅‍♂️ Boyfriend's Stubborn Stance: No Course for Me! 😤

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

😡 Girlfriend's Fury: Losing License Over Boyfriend's Pettiness! 🤬

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🚌 Inconvenience for GF: Early Mornings and Public Transport! ⏰

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family and Friends Weigh In: Boyfriend's Being Petty! 🙄

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🤷‍♂️ AITA for Refusing the Course and Costing GF Her License? 🚗❌

SupermansSoup | SupermansSoup

🚨 Boyfriend's Petty Decision Leaves Girlfriend High and Dry! 😡

Well, well, well... looks like this boyfriend's stubbornness might just be the end of the road for his girlfriend's driving days! 🚗❌ He's refusing to take a measly 2-hour course to save her license, all because he doesn't want a tiny blemish on his spotless record. 🙄 Meanwhile, his poor girlfriend's facing a £500 bill, months without driving, and a whole lot of inconvenience. 😰💸 Talk about a relationship speed bump! 🚧 The internet's got some strong opinions on this one, so let's see what they have to say about this petty boyfriend and his driving dilemma! 👀🍿

Importance of honesty in law enforcement highlighted amidst petty argument 🤔

ironchef8000 | ironchef8000

NTA comment stands up for responsible driving. 🙌

poppunker18 | poppunker18

Driver shames GF for losing license, claims moral high ground

Lloytron | Lloytron

Encouraging support for not giving in to pressure, with a hint of sarcasm.

Robbes_Watch | Robbes_Watch

Speeding girlfriend loses license, potential jail time mentioned 🚫

MoogOfTheWisp | MoogOfTheWisp

Risking prison for a two-hour course? 🤔 NTA.

baggymitten | baggymitten

Honesty is the best policy, even with traffic violations! 🚔

Apart-Ad-6518 | Apart-Ad-6518

Taking responsibility for someone else's mistake? NTA for refusing! 🚫

Performance_Lanky | Performance_Lanky

Redditor warns against admitting to criminal offense on Reddit 🚨

GhostPantherNiall | GhostPantherNiall

NTA: GF's consequences, not BF's. She should follow the law. 😊

Welpp_herewego | Welpp_herewego

Taking responsibility for someone else's mistakes? NTA.

Cultural-Ambition449 | Cultural-Ambition449

NTA prioritizes safety over GF's reckless behavior. 🚗💥

Redband-Trout | Redband-Trout

Supportive comment urges not to take fall for irresponsible girlfriend

Rega_lazar | Rega_lazar

Defending the decision to report GF for reckless driving. 🛡

Ok-Lynx-6250 | Ok-Lynx-6250

You're NTA for refusing your GF's illegal request 😊

raheemnaz | raheemnaz

A cautionary perspective on taking the course instead of points.

egglimepickles | egglimepickles

Honesty is the best policy: NTA for not covering up.

Blowflyfinder1980 | Blowflyfinder1980

Supporting the law and road safety 🚗

OptimalConfusion42 | OptimalConfusion42

Keeping a good driving record is a valid reason. NTA 👍

BroadElderberry | BroadElderberry

Taking responsibility for reckless driving can save lives. ✌🏻

11SkiHill | 11SkiHill

Taking responsibility for actions. No a-hole here. 🚫🕵️

Foggy_Radish | Foggy_Radish

Dump her ASAP! 🚫 Dishonest, sneaky behavior will only continue.

BBayWay | BBayWay

Heartfelt comment warns OP against taking blame for immature driver.

Middle-Conclusion284 | Middle-Conclusion284

Support for BF who refused to enable reckless driving. 👍

Illustrious-Tap5791 | Illustrious-Tap5791

Support for suspension due to repeated offenses. NTA.

No-K-Reddit | No-K-Reddit

NTA avoids trouble by refusing to take course, GF unsafe 🚗

Same_Value8941 | Same_Value8941

NTA. Taking accountability for your actions is important in relationships. 👍

rmric0 | rmric0

Safety first! Commenter thinks NTA for refusing GF's license.

not_an_alien_lobster | not_an_alien_lobster

Driver advocates for consequences after taking speed awareness course.

jael001 | jael001

Driver's license revoked after speeding. NTA judgement.

PurpleStar1965 | PurpleStar1965

NTA comment suggests consequences for reckless driving with a dash of skepticism.

randomoverthinker_ | randomoverthinker_

Engaging comment on the consequences of BF's action.

OneLessDay517 | OneLessDay517

NTA. Safety first. Public transport might be a better option. 🚨

Clare-Star | Clare-Star

Driver's license drama sparks judgmental comment section. Yikes 😱

carw87 | carw87

Reasons not to take the course: clean driving record and fraud. NTA.

fernyexotic | fernyexotic

NTA saves himself from girlfriend's criminal and irresponsible behavior.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Support for not covering up girlfriend's perjury in license case

Mustng1966 | Mustng1966

Standing up for yourself and being honest - NTA 👍

Glass_Ear_8049 | Glass_Ear_8049

NTA commenter advocates for consequences to change driving habits.

Winter_Dragonfly_452 | Winter_Dragonfly_452

A pointed question about unequal treatment in the relationship.

tristanjones | tristanjones

Defending the 6 point rule for new drivers with NTA

Dazzling-Health-5147 | Dazzling-Health-5147

Taking responsibility and driving better: NTA comment wins the section.

FuzzyMom2005 | FuzzyMom2005

NTA. User highlights consequences of GF's irresponsible behavior 💯

le_tw4tson | le_tw4tson

Reminder of the serious consequences of perverting justice ⚠️

Dingleator | Dingleator

Honesty is the best policy - ESH for disregarding legal requirements 🚫🚗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment for not taking illegal driving course. 👍

First-Butterscotch-3 | First-Butterscotch-3

Stand your ground! You're NTA for refusing her request.

mazmum74 | mazmum74

Drive safe, avoid penalties and save your license! 🙌

IcyTartocitron | IcyTartocitron

NTA refuses to take points for GF's speeding, would enable her.

Realistic-Drama8463 | Realistic-Drama8463

NTA. GF disrespected your car and needs accountability 🚥

Pretend-Potato-831 | Pretend-Potato-831

Defending refusal to take short course after GF loses license 🚫

Nerditall | Nerditall

Safety first! Commenter supports learning rules for driving. 🙌

swechaa | swechaa

Support for not lying to cover girlfriend's lawbreaking behavior.

No_Neighborhood_5719 | No_Neighborhood_5719

Honesty is the best policy. Don't risk a prison sentence.

Specific-Street-8441 | Specific-Street-8441

Spouse's lie cost her job and license too! 🤷‍♀️

SoupSatireSleep | SoupSatireSleep

Taking the blame for her actions would be illegal and irresponsible. NTA 👍

ElementalPup | ElementalPup

Following the law and risking big trouble in the UK 🇬🇧 NTA

NighthawkUnicorn | NighthawkUnicorn

Exercising caution while driving is important. NTA for prioritizing driving record 🚗

ApprehensiveBook4214 | ApprehensiveBook4214

Taking the course won't prevent future reckless driving. NTA.

KaiPyroFairyy | KaiPyroFairyy

Taking responsibility for someone else's actions can have consequences. NTA.

RoseOfTheWest93 | RoseOfTheWest93

A blunt comment on GF's license situation. 🤔

shontsu | shontsu

Dump the silly little twit, date someone who owns up. 👍

AtTheEastPole | AtTheEastPole

Driving tips from a seasoned driver. Follow the rules 🚗

[deleted] | [deleted]

Refusing to take the fall for GF's repeated offenses. NTA 🙅

notanadultyadult | notanadultyadult

Supportive comment encourages responsible driving and accountability. 🚗

disasterous_cape | disasterous_cape

Don't take anyone's points! NTA for refusing. 🚨

Acrobatic-Shirt8540 | Acrobatic-Shirt8540

Committing a serious criminal offense for your girlfriend? 🤔💔

stewieatb | stewieatb

Driving safety concerns addressed in NTA comment 👍

PadHicks | PadHicks

Don't risk jail to save £500, own your mistake 🚔

millymollymel | millymollymel

NTA, tough lesson for GF. Re-think relationship if she's dishonest 😒

simply_clare | simply_clare

NTA. Speeding is dangerous and she needs to face consequences. 🚨

Welshpanther | Welshpanther

Banning GF from driving will cost her thousands 💸

Sherlock-Homeboy | Sherlock-Homeboy

Taking responsibility for your actions is always important. 👍

Delicious_Inside69 | Delicious_Inside69

Supportive comment about GF losing license for reckless driving.

cock-a-doodle-doo | cock-a-doodle-doo

Refusing to take a short course to help GF = NTA

gardenfella | gardenfella

NTA, refusing to take the course to cover for GF.

Nimneu | Nimneu

Crime doesn't pay, even if it's just a short course 🚫🚗

kingdingathing | kingdingathing

Crime doesn't pay, even if it's petty revenge against GF 🚨

kingdingathing | kingdingathing

Supportive comment on GF's reckless driving and potential breakup.

Eastern-Move549 | Eastern-Move549

New driver caught speeding, but should BF take the blame?

TemporaryAddicti0n | TemporaryAddicti0n

Honesty is the best policy. NTA made the right call.

JagZilla_s | JagZilla_s

Doing the right thing: a moral victory 👏

Dar_Vender | Dar_Vender

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