Family DIVIDED Over Sister's New Baby Plans 👶🏼🍼

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a juicy family drama on our hands. 🍿 Meet our protagonist, a loving mother whose sister has been a second mom to her kids for years. 👩‍👧‍👦 But now, with a baby on the way, things are getting messy. 😱 Priorities are shifting, feelings are hurt, and communication is breaking down. 📵 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this tangled web of family dynamics! 🕸️

🤗 My Sister, the Second Mommy

throwra283827 | throwra283827

🏠 Moving In and Moving Up

throwra283827 | throwra283827

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Weekends at Auntie's House

throwra283827 | throwra283827

👩‍❤️‍👩 Sister's Growing Family

throwra283827 | throwra283827

👶 Excitement for the New Baby

throwra283827 | throwra283827

😲 Shocking News via Text

throwra283827 | throwra283827

😞 Feeling Pushed Away

throwra283827 | throwra283827

🐰 Rabbit vs. Kids?

throwra283827 | throwra283827

😤 Calling Out Selfishness

throwra283827 | throwra283827

🙅‍♀️ Husband Takes SIL's Side

throwra283827 | throwra283827


throwra283827 | throwra283827

🔥 Family Feud: Sister's Baby Plans Cause Major Drama! 👶😡

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of family drama! 🍿 Our protagonist is feeling pushed aside as her sister prepares for a new baby, even prioritizing a rabbit over the kids! 🐰 Ouch. 😬 Communication is breaking down, with news being delivered via text and emotions running high. 📱😢 The husband is siding with the sister-in-law, leaving our protagonist feeling alone and upset. 💔 It's a mess, folks! 🙈 Let's see what the internet has to say about this juicy situation... 👀

Sister's life changed and she needs her own room. OP is entitled.

Aussiealterego | Aussiealterego

NTA's entitlement to a room in sister's house backfires. 🤦‍♀️

salukiqueen | salukiqueen

User calls out OP for being selfish and controlling 🤔

ShotaroKaneda84 | ShotaroKaneda84

User calls out OP for not reciprocating sister's support. 👍

xxSKSxx_ | xxSKSxx_

User calls out OP's parenting skills and entitlement. YTA. 👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

User calls out sister's entitled behavior. YTA.

Lively_Sally | Lively_Sally

Family loyalty questioned in baby plans. YTA verdict delivered.

kflhm | kflhm

Sister called out for entitlement, family drama ensues. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Repulsive-Sleep9195 | Repulsive-Sleep9195

User calls out entitlement in sister, gets no replies.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister wants her own life, YTA for being dependent 🤷‍♀️

JudgeJed100 | JudgeJed100

Sister deserves to live her own life, YTA can't see it 👶🏼🍼

UnicornCackle | UnicornCackle

Using a spare room for a rabbit? YTA and misguided 🐰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling told off for controlling sister's life 👶🏼🍼

whothefisrachell | whothefisrachell

Let her live her life. Calling her mummy is cringe. YTA. 🙅

[deleted] | [deleted]

Harsh comment, but valid points. 🤔

fubkk | fubkk

Let her live 🙌 She helped you with your kids

rubyvioletrublu | rubyvioletrublu

15yo sister made co-parent, OP is the a**hole

EssexCatWoman | EssexCatWoman

Aunt criticized for overreacting to sister's baby plans 😑

h2oc3por2d2 | h2oc3por2d2

User strongly condemns entitled behavior and urges apology.

Demi9999 | Demi9999

Sister forced to parent your kids, YTA 🤦‍♀️

Clueingforbeggs | Clueingforbeggs

Potential babysitting feud brewing between family members 🤔

mikenzeejai | mikenzeejai

Sister's plans anger sibling, accused of parentification. 😠

LailaBlack | LailaBlack

Sibling feud over free room for sleepovers turns nasty. YTA.

pimpelvinkje | pimpelvinkje

Sibling feud over baby plans sparks entitlement accusation YTA 🤢

l3rambi | l3rambi

Negative comment towards selfish sibling with a warning. 😱

cocoroxyy | cocoroxyy

Sister's entitlement to free babysitting sparks heated YTA comment.

[deleted] | [deleted]

User calls out OP for entitled behavior in sister's pregnancy

joyousjulie | joyousjulie

Harsh criticism of mother's parenting skills. 🤨

idontreallycarewh | idontreallycarewh

Sister prioritizing her own child doesn't make OP's kids less important 👶🏼🍼

TheZambonii | TheZambonii

Sister prioritizes her own kids, calls out entitled sibling. 👶🏼🍼

torbaapshala | torbaapshala

You're being unreasonable. Let your sister have her own family. 🤷

Zeehammer | Zeehammer

Aunt prioritizes her own child over her nieces/nephews 👶🏼🍼

Novel_Ad_7318 | Novel_Ad_7318

Redditer calls out entitlement of expecting relatives to raise children. 😊

very-similitude | very-similitude

Concerns about eldest child taking care of adopted baby 👶🏼🍼

throwit_amita | throwit_amita

Sister's entitlement to her own house, YTA called out 👏

CJL2021 | CJL2021

YTA dumps 1 y/o on 15 y/o. Not okay 😠

Ribbon- | Ribbon-

Aunt is called out for being selfish and entitled 🤯

SneezlesForNeezles | SneezlesForNeezles

Sister called out for entitlement and the commenter approves 👍

StaceysMomPlus2more | StaceysMomPlus2more

Sister used her as a babysitter, now mad about her plans? YTA 🤪

Aldilae | Aldilae

Harsh criticism for entitled mother who won't help sister with baby 👶🏼🍼

HamaraCS | HamaraCS

Sister accused of being selfish after being used for years 👶🏼

starfire5105 | starfire5105

Adopting a baby is just as real. Don't be YTA 🚫

anonomutt23 | anonomutt23

Sister is entitled to use HER room for HER needs 🙅🏼

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister parentified at 15, now faces backlash for wanting own family. 😱

Significant_Ad8579 | Significant_Ad8579

Generosity unappreciated, entitled sister sparks YTA verdict 👎

Storm101xx | Storm101xx

Sister criticized for prioritizing own baby over entitled sister's kids. 😮

GinnyFromTheBlock96 | GinnyFromTheBlock96

Sister was a second parent to OP's kids, YTA for being selfish 👶🏼🍼

Not_Good_HappyQuinn | Not_Good_HappyQuinn

Sister raises your kids, you won't give her space? YTA 😑

bookshelfie | bookshelfie

User calls out OP for asking too much from family 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Adopting a baby is a difficult process with intrusive questions 👶🏼🍼. Sister needs support, not anger.

NinjaHidingintheOpen | NinjaHidingintheOpen

Adopting a child requires a perfect home, YTA for interfering 😠

anotherplantmother98 | anotherplantmother98

User calls out entitled behavior in spare room dispute 🙅

Taleya | Taleya

SIL accused of not prioritizing OP's kids. YTA vibes 😑

krankykitty | krankykitty

Parenting priorities sparked heated YTA comment.

breathingnitrogen | breathingnitrogen

Dumping kids on SIL? YTA. Paying for college housing? YTA.

teresajs | teresajs

Sister's help doesn't mean entitlement to children's room. 🚫🧒👩‍👧‍👧

bixvira | bixvira

Sibling prioritizes future niece/nephew over sister's friend. NAH.

Leafingblueberry | Leafingblueberry

Let your sister live her best life 🙌

TrixIx | TrixIx

Sister raised OP's kids since 15, now wants her own. YTA 🤦‍♀️

Zoeyoe | Zoeyoe

Sister is YTA for expecting OP to be a third parent 🤔

angel2hi | angel2hi

Stop being entitled and bothering them about it. YTA 👎

idcanymore_ | idcanymore_

Sister needs the room for her future child, YTA 👎

catobsessed_ | catobsessed_

User slams entitled sister for expecting sibling to prioritize her kids.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Let her live her life! YTA needs to back off 👍

Killer_Queeny | Killer_Queeny

Strong YTA judgement with no room for reconciliation. 😑

MissKoalaBag | MissKoalaBag

User calls out commenter as YTA for prioritizing children.

takatori | takatori

Sister went above and beyond, but OP needs to grow up 🙄

averygrace23 | averygrace23

Sister's baby plans cause tension with YTA in housing dispute 😒

EuphorbiasOddities | EuphorbiasOddities

Sibling rivalry heats up over baby room arrangements 😠

musical_spork | musical_spork

Sister helped for free, now moving on angers OP 😤

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sarcastic comment gets no reply. Awkward silence ensues. 🤦‍♂️

Gypsy-Soul-618 | Gypsy-Soul-618

Sister's entitlement questioned, suggests helping out with babysitting 👶🏼🍼

kynscn | kynscn

Sister wants her own family, YTA forced her to parent.

BellaBlue06 | BellaBlue06

User calls out selfishness, no replies

mmmarce_s | mmmarce_s

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