Pregnant Girlfriend BANNED From BF's Home By Cruel Roommate 😱

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🍼 Uh-oh, looks like we've got a baby on the way and some serious roommate drama brewing! 😬 When you're expecting a little bundle of joy, the last thing you need is a stubborn roomie who won't budge on their cooking habits. 🍳 But that's exactly the pickle our soon-to-be dad finds himself in! 😅 His pregnant girlfriend can't stand certain smells, and it's causing some major tension at home. 🤢 Let's dive into this juicy story and see if we can figure out who's the a-hole in this situation! 🤔

🍼 Baby on the Way, but Trouble's Brewing at Home! 😬

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🏠 Waiting for Baby to Make Living Arrangements 👶

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🤢 Girlfriend's Nausea Leads to Vomiting and Sickness 🤮

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🗣️ Clearing the Air: No Wrong Doing, Just a Request 🙏

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🤝 Seeking Compromise, Met with Blunt Refusal 😠

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😡 Roomie's Ultimatum: "Deal With It" or No Girlfriend Allowed! 🚫

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🤔 AITA for Wanting to Accommodate My Pregnant Girlfriend? 🤰

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🏠 No Go at the In-Laws: Trouble on the Home Front 😕

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🍼 Roommate Refuses to Compromise for Pregnant Girlfriend's Sake! 😡

Well, well, well... looks like our expectant couple is in quite the predicament! 😬 With a baby on the way and a girlfriend who can't handle certain smells, our protagonist tried to reason with his roommate to find a middle ground. 🤝 But the roomie wasn't having it, insisting on cooking his usual meals even if it made the pregnant girlfriend sick! 🤢 Talk about a lack of empathy! 😠 Our dad-to-be is caught between a rock and a hard place, unable to visit his girlfriend's place due to family issues. 😕 So, what does the internet think about this stinky situation? 🤔 Let's see what kind of spicy takes people have on this roommate showdown! 🌶️

User criticizes BF's lack of planning, calls him YTA 👎

Left-Car6520 | Left-Car6520

YTA and need a plan now for living arrangements! 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't be the a**hole, sort out a stable home 🏠

ReviewOk929 | ReviewOk929

Roommate refuses to adjust for pregnant girlfriend's dietary needs. YTA.

gary135793 | gary135793

Roommate's cruel actions towards pregnant girlfriend condemned by commenter. 🥴

Mimi862317 | Mimi862317

User calls out OP for expecting roommate to change diet

buttercupgrump | buttercupgrump

User calls out OP for being a potential YTA roommate 😕

Ana_Kinra | Ana_Kinra

YTA for banning your pregnant girlfriend from your home 😒

Voidg | Voidg

Roommate called out for being selfish, offers advice to couple.

IcePsychological7032 | IcePsychological7032

Roommate thinks pregnant GF is overstaying, OP is TA 🤷‍♀️

LadyCass79 | LadyCass79

User called out for pushing to let pregnant girlfriend visit.

SDstartingOut | SDstartingOut

Demanding change in eating habits? YTA according to comment

thejackalreborn | thejackalreborn

Prioritizing living arrangements during pregnancy is important. YTA for controlling cooking.

Jemma_2 | Jemma_2

User congratulates, advises, and agrees with roommate. YTA, apologize.

Om_Chianti | Om_Chianti

User thinks BF is TA for not figuring out living arrangements

momokplatypus | momokplatypus

User calls out OP for expecting too much dietary accommodation.

Alyssa_Hargreaves | Alyssa_Hargreaves

Expecting a yes when he said no? 🤔 YTA strikes again.

Enamoure | Enamoure

Roommate thinks pregnant girlfriend shouldn't be allowed over. YTA.

LadyCass79 | LadyCass79

Roommate defends cooking in own home, calls GF outsider. YTA.

Dylaquill | Dylaquill

User believes pregnant girlfriend's ban is reasonable due to frequency 🤔

vlad-the-inhalor09 | vlad-the-inhalor09

Roommate refuses pregnant girlfriend food, YTA in comments.

Saarah786 | Saarah786

Harsh judgement on expecting couple's living situation 😢

Glittercorn111 | Glittercorn111

Roommate called out for being cruel to sick pregnant girlfriend 😠

CommunicationOdd9406 | CommunicationOdd9406

Roommate won't let pregnant GF stay: Commenter thinks YTA.

FlyGuy1922 | FlyGuy1922

Tough love: Commenter advises pregnant girlfriend to find new place.

Alternative_Bowl_316 | Alternative_Bowl_316

User thinks roommate is TA for banning pregnant girlfriend 🤰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate bans pregnant girlfriend, comment calls out OP's lack of planning

chriswillar | chriswillar

Roommate says YTA for expecting him to change eating habits

deltagardevoir | deltagardevoir

User thinks OP is the a**hole and suggests figuring out living arrangements now. 😐

Eldest_of_Five | Eldest_of_Five

User calls out OP for being TA and advises to sort living arrangements before baby arrives 🤔

SquidOppa | SquidOppa

Roommate tells BF to ban pregnant GF from home. YTA.

Pandasrthebest | Pandasrthebest

Moving out? YTA. Waiting until after baby? Not smart 😱

GarbageGworl | GarbageGworl

Roommate criticized for banning pregnant girlfriend from home. YTA.

jrm1102 | jrm1102

Roommate called out for entitled behavior during cooking time 🔪

thepinknarwhal | thepinknarwhal

Roommate says YTA for dictating BF's cooking, go to GF's.

Practical-Cloud-1637 | Practical-Cloud-1637

Harsh criticism for waiting to figure out living arrangements.

haevertz | haevertz

Red flags and urgency for OP to do the decent thing 😱

Mrflappy1980 | Mrflappy1980

Red flags raised by this YTA post, as pointed out 👀

LtTempest7 | LtTempest7

GF banned from home, commenter advises visiting her instead. YTA.

penguin_squeak | penguin_squeak

Roommate thinks YTA for asking accommodations, advises moving in together.

daworkphan | daworkphan

Resident roommate tells pregnant girlfriend to leave. YTA confirmed.

Ok_BiteMe | Ok_BiteMe

Roommate is NTA for not wanting non-rent-paying GF over often 😍

bamf1701 | bamf1701

YTA comment: BF's pregnant girlfriend banned from home. No sympathy 😒

just-jen57 | just-jen57

Roommate defends ban on pregnant girlfriend. YTA confirmed.

Winter-Travel5749 | Winter-Travel5749

Plan ahead for smooth transition. YTA, move in with GF 😒

Inevitable-Tour-1561 | Inevitable-Tour-1561

Poly request for diet change? Offer a compromise or YTA 😱

chuckinhoutex | chuckinhoutex

Roommate calls out BF for pregnant GF overstaying. YTA confirmed 😱

Manager-Limp | Manager-Limp

Roommate's cruel ban on pregnant girlfriend, comment suggests finding new home.

monagr | monagr

YTA for how you responded to his totally reasonable answer 🙄

Forsaken-Volume-2249 | Forsaken-Volume-2249

Roommate bans pregnant girlfriend from home: Commenter calls YTA

Lazy_trashpanda | Lazy_trashpanda

Roommate prioritizes cooking over pregnant girlfriend's health. YTA 😡

Notdoingitanymore | Notdoingitanymore

Figure your shit out now! YTA 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate calls BF YTA for banning pregnant girlfriend. No empathy.

FloatingPencil | FloatingPencil

User calls out OP for being unreasonable about meal plan

BostonBluestocking | BostonBluestocking

Harsh but true, YTA for bugging your roommate about girlfriend

AntiquePop1417 | AntiquePop1417

User calls out OP for being selfish and unreasonable.

tsdays | tsdays

User thinks OP is the a-hole for expecting too much.

hope1083 | hope1083

User thinks boyfriend is the a**hole for not prioritizing stability.

Beginning_Letter431 | Beginning_Letter431

Roommate is YTA for banning girlfriend, urgency in finding solution.

Maleficent_3608 | Maleficent_3608

Harsh criticism for the boyfriend's demands from roommate.

realabrahamstinkin | realabrahamstinkin

Roommate is NTA for not accommodating unpaid pregnant girlfriend 👍

Samu_2020_15 | Samu_2020_15

Roommate refuses to accommodate pregnant girlfriend, verdict: YTA

BeeYehWoo | BeeYehWoo

User calls out BF for expecting roommate to uproot life for pregnant GF. YTA 😡

Dammit_Janet5 | Dammit_Janet5

Delaying living arrangements until baby is born? YTA, dude! 😒

Mr_Pete_Diamond | Mr_Pete_Diamond

Responsibility of being a father is yours, not your roommate's 😒

NoxWild | NoxWild

Roommate shouldn't have to plan life around GF's pregnancy. YTA 😑

Ambitious-Sssnake | Ambitious-Sssnake

User calls out OP for being rude to pregnant girlfriend.

SJoyD | SJoyD

Roommate's home, roommate's rules. Find a new place ASAP.

Aggravating-Joke2743 | Aggravating-Joke2743

"YTA. Waiting for baby to sort living arrangements? 🤯"

Embarrassed-Tree-469 | Embarrassed-Tree-469

User believes BF is not the a**hole for banning pregnant GF.

bigkutta | bigkutta

Navigating housemate conflicts while pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️

Druklet | Druklet

Politely asking to stay is okay, but YTA if you persist. No one's obligated to agree. 🙄

classicspoonbill | classicspoonbill

Tough love in the face of impending parenthood 👌

Winter-eyed | Winter-eyed

Expecting mom requests ban on scents, gets called a**hole. 🙄

pansypig | pansypig

Roommate criticized for banning pregnant girlfriend from home 🤰

puce_moment | puce_moment

Compromise is key. NTA for asking, but apologize for pushing.

Witty_Collection9134 | Witty_Collection9134

User calls out OP's selfishness and predicts future conflict.

CuddlyCutieStarfish | CuddlyCutieStarfish

👶 Don't wait for the baby, get a place together now

spocksbrian | spocksbrian

User believes BF's roommate is justified in banning pregnant GF.

bazwutan | bazwutan

Harsh comment, suggests underlying issues and advises to move out 🤨

sunshinedaydream774 | sunshinedaydream774

YTA roommate bans pregnant GF from BF's home. Insensitive comment.

Slow_Conference6432 | Slow_Conference6432

YTA. Move in with her already and help take care 👥

originalkelly88 | originalkelly88

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