CHEAPSKATE Demands FREE Birthday Cake for 50 Guests! 😱💸 Baker Puts Her Foot Down

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Diply | Diply

🎂 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a birthday cake drama that's sure to make your head spin! 😵 Meet our 18-year-old baking queen 👑 who finds herself in a sticky situation with her sister's entitled friend, Jenna. 😒 This mean girl demands a FREE birthday cake for her daughter's big day, but our protagonist isn't about to let her have her cake and eat it too! 🙅‍♀️ Get ready for a wild ride filled with tantrums, cheapskates, and a whole lot of family drama! 🍿

🎂 Sister's Friend Demands Free Birthday Cake! 😱

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

🙅‍♀️ Mean Girl Jenna and I Don't Get Along! 😒

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

🍪 I'm a Baking Queen! 👑

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

🗣️ Sister Calls Me Over for a "Question"... 🤔

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

🎂 Jenna Demands a FREE Birthday Cake! 😲

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

😡 Jenna Throws a Tantrum! 🤬

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

👥 Over 50 People Expected at the Party! 😳

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

🤷‍♀️ Am I the A-hole for Refusing? 🤔

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

💰 Mom Offers to Pay, But I'm Not Having It! 😤

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

🗳️ What Do You Think, Internet? AITA? 🤷‍♀️

goodnight-lullaby | goodnight-lullaby

The Great Birthday Cake Showdown!

Looks like our baking queen is caught between a rock and a hard place! Jenna, the entitled mean girl, demands a FREE birthday cake for her daughter's big day, expecting our protagonist to slave away in the kitchen for over 50 people! When our hero refuses, Jenna throws a tantrum and calls her selfish. But wait, there's more! Mom steps in and offers to pay, but our baking queen isn't having it. She's not about to let her mom foot the bill for this cheapskate's demands! So, what does the internet think of this sugary showdown? Let's see what the top responses have to say about this birthday cake battle royale!

Baker refuses to bake cake for entitled party guests 😱

spokanyon | spokanyon

Sensible comment: Don't invite 50 guests if you can't afford it. 👍

blondererer | blondererer

NTA stands up to entitled cheapskate sister demanding free cake 👐

Affectionate_Ice_658 | Affectionate_Ice_658

Baker has every right to refuse service and compensation. NTA 👍

D00hdahday | D00hdahday

Baker not budging on entitled customer's outrageous demands. 😱💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Just say no to entitled cheapskates. Sister's cupcakes FTW! 🧁

SnooBananas7203 | SnooBananas7203

NTA- Entitled customer expects free cake, but baker puts foot down 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman stands up to entitled demand for free cake 👏

pelorizado83 | pelorizado83

Baker refuses free cake for 50 guests, family intervenes. NTA

DangerousDave303 | DangerousDave303

Mom can buy a sheet cake for entitled friend's kid. 😒

fleshcoloredbanana | fleshcoloredbanana

Mother enabling and minimizing, sister and friend are assholes. NTA 👍

FloppyEaredDog | FloppyEaredDog

Setting boundaries as a skilled worker is important. NTA 👍

amej117 | amej117

Don't waste time on those who won't appreciate your efforts. 🙏

DinaFelice | DinaFelice

Mom's not paying, no cake for her. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Baker refuses to reward childish behavior for free cake demand. 😱

GothPenguin | GothPenguin

Standing up to entitled cheapskates. You go, NTA!

BeeYehWoo | BeeYehWoo

"No free cake for 50 guests," says baker's daughter. 🙌

Tiseye | Tiseye

Baker says no to entitled customer's ridiculous request. NTA.

jabberdoggy | jabberdoggy

Memorable or not, NTA for not giving free cake. 👍

Sad_Mulberry_6645 | Sad_Mulberry_6645

Bake your own cake and send her a picture! 😂

evelbug | evelbug

Baker's daughter defends charging for supplies. NTA 👏🎂

mhmmLaLa | mhmmLaLa

NTA. Don't spend time/money on someone you don't get along with 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Let your sister make the cake, NTA! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Baker gets real about cheap customer's unrealistic demands. 😱

Ok_Character7958 | Ok_Character7958

NTA! Commenter calls out entitled mom for outrageous party demands 👏

cafesaigon | cafesaigon

Suggesting a grocery store or bakery for the entitled family.

BBS_22 | BBS_22

NTA: Commenter calls out entitled behavior of cheapskate.

nerdgirl71 | nerdgirl71

Sassy NTA suggests a harsh cake lesson 💁

celestina047 | celestina047

Setting boundaries is important, even for bakers. 🦄

Miss-Mamba | Miss-Mamba

Baker stands up to entitled customer and her entitled friend 😜

Patient_Gas_5245 | Patient_Gas_5245

Suggests Costco as alternative to entitled customer. 😊

michele_my_belle | michele_my_belle

NTA sees through manipulative psychological trick and stands their ground 💪

PARA9535307 | PARA9535307

Standing up for yourself is never the wrong thing to do. 💪🏻

UnderstandingAway302 | UnderstandingAway302

NTA. Baker contemplates petty revenge with salt in the cake. 🤪

everythingistaken427 | everythingistaken427

Stand up for yourself and your worth, you're NTA 👏

DabKitty420 | DabKitty420

Entitled customer demands free cake for 50 guests, gets shut down 🍰

TisThee_Reason | TisThee_Reason

Baker refuses to make free cake for disliked cheapskate mother. 😱

YourMomThinksImFunny | YourMomThinksImFunny

Standing up to a high school bully demanding free cake 💯

STL28 | STL28

Baker stands up to entitled cheapskate demanding free cake 🎂

B4pangea | B4pangea

Baker is NTA for refusing to make free cake for 50 guests

Positive-Source8205 | Positive-Source8205

Friend of entitled cheapskate gets called out for disrespecting baker 🎂

Impressive-Amoeba-97 | Impressive-Amoeba-97

Set boundaries early to avoid becoming a free cake bakery. 💜

badnewsfaery | badnewsfaery

Baker defends real cake prices: ingredients, skill, time, utilities, wear & tear 🎂

KetoLurkerHere | KetoLurkerHere

Baker refuses entitled customer demanding free cake for 50 guests!

The_Fires_Of_Orc | The_Fires_Of_Orc

Sassy NTA comment shuts down entitled request for free cake 😎

ResoluteMuse | ResoluteMuse

Offering to split the cost of cake with mom. 😉🍰

InternationalLunch60 | InternationalLunch60

NTA calls out cheapskate's unrealistic demands 😒

Sanatori2050 | Sanatori2050

Choose your own celebration, avoid the entitled party guests 🤔

coloradogrown85 | coloradogrown85

Baker refuses to work for entitled customer. 💯

OldPolishProverb | OldPolishProverb

NTA stands up to entitled request for free birthday cake 🎂

monsteramoons | monsteramoons

Don't be a slave to entitled family members! 🙌

capricci0sa | capricci0sa

Don't let the mean girl bully you into making cake for free 😱

Careless_Mango | Careless_Mango

NTA baker's autonomy vs. cheapskate's entitlement 😒💰

coyotecantspell | coyotecantspell

Baker stands up to entitled customer demanding free cake. NTA.

-Regina-Filange | -Regina-Filange

Baker sets reasonable rule for baking cakes for non-friends 🎂

mitchieross98 | mitchieross98

Baker refuses cake for entitled customer, controversial judgment ensues. 😒🎂

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Baker refuses to bake cake for entitled cheapskate 😱

Radio_Demon-29 | Radio_Demon-29

NTA commenter questions the practice of inviting strangers to kids' parties 🤔

BurritoBowlw_guac | BurritoBowlw_guac

Entitled mom demands free cake, insults baker's generosity. Smh 😑💸

JHawk444 | JHawk444

Baker refuses to cave to entitled cheapskate's demands 🙌

ChrisShadow1 | ChrisShadow1

Baker stands firm and avoids drama, NTA confirmed 👍

Galgecko | Galgecko

Baker stands up for premium ingredients and quality baking 👨‍🍳

no_shirt_4_jim_kirk | no_shirt_4_jim_kirk

Small party or not, 50 guests for a 4-year-old's party? 🤔 NTA.

ivylass | ivylass

Baker stands up for herself, says no to entitled customer 🙌

chtmarc | chtmarc

Setting boundaries is important! NTA for declining unreasonable request. 👍

Faerie_Rae96 | Faerie_Rae96

NTA refuses to give free cake; suggests cheap alternatives 😜

Ok_Chance_4584 | Ok_Chance_4584

Baker's NTA response to cheap customer is justified 🍰💰

bimpossible | bimpossible

When a stranger demands a free cake for 50 people, NTA

ComfortableEmu7791 | ComfortableEmu7791

Creative ideas for a budget-friendly birthday cake. NTA comment.

ComprehensiveArm9751 | ComprehensiveArm9751

NTA. If you can't afford enough cake for 50 guests, invite less.

ManicPanicPeach | ManicPanicPeach

Baker stands up to entitled customer's outrageous request 👏

woodwitchofthewest | woodwitchofthewest

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